BOOK 2: Chapter 3

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“Here son, have some tea,” said Stuart handing a glass of ice tea to Peter.

Hope he drinks it, thought Stuart, as he had laced it with a drug.

“Thanks dad,” said Peter and took a sip, “So, what’s up?”

“Tomorrow is the day you make the choice,” said Stuart with excitement.  
“Yup,” said Peter, “I’ve been waiting for a long time for this. You could’ve just given the Gene Serum to me last year when I first begged you for it. I’m sure you have it laying around somewhere in the lab.”

The truth inducing drug is working, thought Stuart, I can finally have a heart to heart with you little brat.

“You were not ready,” said Stuart. “It could’ve killed you.”

“B.S, the Gene Serum isn’t fatal. You put forward the theory that it’s harmful to non-adults. I don’t believe in that theory.”

“So you don’t believe in a theory supported by the state? That’s very human of you.”

“Don’t forget dad, I’m half-human.”

“Proud of that. Now tell me why would I propose such a theory?” asked Stuart with a smile.

“Because you want the humans to have a choice. A choice they shouldn’t have.”

“I’ll tell you a secret my son, you’re right. It’s a false theory and it was the human in you that figured it out, not the ELF. Still think ELF’s are better than you and me?”

“Of course,” said Peter rolling his eyes.


“Try going to school with ‘em and being the worst in everything.”

“Just because they’re better at school doesn’t mean they’re better. It just shows they have a strong work ethic and put in more hours studying how stuff works. Humans are more inventive and original than them.”

“It’s not just that,” said Peter, “I’m the only half-human half-ELF in the whole school. I don’t want to be the odd one out anymore.”

“Son, you’re unique, that’s all,” said Stuart. “I can’t go back in time and change you. When you were conceived I was an ELF and your mom was human.”

“I know dad. It’s not your fault but now I have a chance to make my life better. I’m sick of being alone. I’ll finally be able to fit in. ”

“But won’t fit in with your human family.”

“I’ll still love you guys.”

“I don’t think ELF’s feel love the way humans do. You say you feel alone? If you go ahead and become an ELF, you’ll still be alone but just be at peace with it. ELF’s don’t write poetry or love songs, they just love to solve problems and because of them, the arts are dead. They’re dry and robotic. You really want to be an ELF so you can feel accepted? Well I got new for you my boy, you can only feel if you’re human.”

“I don’t know what to do dad,” said Peter with frustration, “I’m torn.”

“Be who you are. Enjoy the complexity of human emotions. Face you fears and enjoy the triumphs. ELF’s are constantly striving for perfection, even after they’ve found it, they’d look for ways to be better. No point in living like that.”

“Okay. Let’s say I decide to be human. Then what happens? The ELF’s have us living in contained cities, cut off from rest of the world, dependent on them for food and water. How long will this last?”

“To protect our future, we’ll have to convince them to be humans again.”

“That’s not going to happen,” said Peter.

“Then we’ll have to force them.”

“Wow,” said Peter as he sat in his chair, “you mean like a revolution?” 

“If it comes down to a revolution then that is what we’ll do,” said Stuart. “Now, I’ve something to show you. I’ve created a serum that turns ELF’s back to humans.”

Stuart took out from his pocket a little glass container with green liquid in it.

“If you take this tonight you’ll wake up fully human tomorrow,” said Stuart.

“It’s your choice my son.”

Peter took the little glass container and looked into his father’s eyes and said, “Thanks dad.”

“Try it once,” said Stuart, “if you don’t like the way you feel, you can always take the Gene Serum and be one of them.”


Thank you all for those who took out the time to rate and review my work on Amazon and Goodreads. I truly appreciate it.

If you like my style of writing, I’m sure you’ll enjoy a few of my short stories in my collection: SPARKS. The genres vary from flash fiction to psychological horror to fantastical.  

Happy reading.

Harneet Bajwa

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