Newsflash & CHAPTER 11

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From Los Angeles Times (Page 4)


June 24, Monday

The Franklin high school wore a blanket of grief today as it mourned the unexpected death of senior Brenda Collins, known to her friends as “Bree.”

According to the medical report released by Apollo Hospital, the cause of death was Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, a type of stroke. Collins died before reaching the hospital due to excessive internal bleeding in her brain.

“She was a bundle of joy and a beautiful soul,” said Franklin High School Principal Mia Turner. “It’s hard to believe that she is with us no more. What a tragedy. It’s one of those moments in life that one needs to keep faith in God’s logic.”

Collins was a member of the cheerleading squad for the high school football team, and her hobbies were reading, hiking and cycling.

According to school authorities, a team of psychologists, councilors, and support workers has been working with the staff to give support and counseling to the school students.  

A prayer service is scheduled at 12 p.m. Saturday at Franklin High School, where children, parents, and teachers will honor Collins’ memory.


From Los Angeles Times (Page 2)


June 25, Tuesday

Carla Roberts, twenty-six, was found dead in her apartment at Miller Street near the Jefferson public park. The community in this part of the city, still recovering from the shock, is on high alert as the rumor of a possible rape and murder has spread like fire.

City Sheriff Thomas Coleman said, “The medical report has not confirmed rape but there is other unexplained evidence that strongly points to some kind of foul play. The investigation is ongoing, and it might be a case of homicide or a natural death. I want to assure the people that we will get to the bottom of this.” 

“I thought she was sick,” said Sasha, Carla’s roommate. “I knocked on her door Sunday evening but she didn’t answer, and I thought she was resting. Next day, I got a call from her boss that she didn’t show up and couldn’t be reached on her cell phone. When I got home from work, I knocked on her door but she didn’t respond. I got worried and called the police.”

“It’s a strange case,” said Doctor Hemanth of Apollo Hospital. “The actual cause of her death was a brain stroke, but in addition to that she had excessive vaginal discharge just before she died, and we found her own dried blood in and around her mouth from self-inflicted bites. She might have been close to getting raped or consensual sex when she had the stroke. I can’t say for certain at this point. It could be a freak death or the perfect murder. It’s up to the police detectives to tell.”

He further added that, “It’s the second case of subarachnoid hemorrhage that I’ve seen in the past twenty-four hours. It’s either a very rare coincidence or the work of a serial killer at large. I’m hoping it’s the former.” 

In Franklin, a high school senior named Bree Collins had died of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage on Sunday. She had the exact same symptoms as Carla Roberts. Even though the Collins family is reportedly cooperating with the police, they’re claiming that her death was natural.



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