BOOK 2: Chapter 8

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The next day Peter accompanied his father Stuart to the Phoenix research center where they waited at the reception to meet Nick.

Why hasn’t she called me? thought Peter.

Is she okay?

I hope I didn’t overdose her.

Should I ask Dad if it’s possible for one to O.D. on the serum?

While Peter was lost in his thoughts, Nick came out of his office and waved at them to come in.

“To what do I owe the honor of your company gentlemen?” asked Nick when they all settled in his office.

“I’ve decided to be in-charge of Peter’s education as I’m sure his school won’t take him back.”

What? thought Peter as he maintained a straight face. Why didn’t he tell me before?

“Brilliant,” said Nick with a smile, “he won’t find a better teacher.”

“My lab at home is kind of small,” said Stuart, “so you’ll be seeing us around here a lot more often.”

“That’s great,” said Nick.

“I have a lot to teach him,” said Stuart, “after all he’ll be the last of his kind, if the Council doesn’t roll back the ridiculous ban on human reproduction.”

“I’m sorry about the ban,” said Nick. “I tried to hold it off as long as possible but this time the Doctor and the Council were adamant.”

“You knew this was coming?” asked Stuart. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know how to justify it to you.”

“Because it’s unjust.”

“Not exactly.”

“Try justifying it then.”

“Years ago, you convinced the Council to spare the primitive human race. At that point there was no threat but now circumstances are different.”

“What’s different?”

“The human society is still functioning on money,” said Nick. “In human cities there are people still begging for food and living on the streets. The social disparity is sickening. It’s a mess and a totally unnecessary one.”

“At least they are free and happy to be who they are,” said Stuart. “If they work hard, anything is possible for them.”

“Let’s be honest here Stuart. Poverty is a product of human greed. Look at the ELF society. It’s a perfect model. We don’t use money. The state takes care of all the basic individual needs like food, clothes and housing. People are self-motivated to excel in their fields of interest and be of benefit to the society. There is no crime and its a healthy society.”

Communist robots, thought Peter.

“I admire the ELF society,” said Stuart, “I just like being a human better.”

“I respect your personal choice,” said Nick, “but we’re talking about our species here. For long, we’ve been hoping that humans will learn from us one day but unfortunately it looks highly unlikely. Crime rates in human cities are at an all time high and now for some odd reason that I fail to understand, humans are militarizing.”

“I guess to protect themselves,” said Stuart with a smile.

“From what? The ELF society does not have a military. We have police and the only reason we have it is to stop humans from committing crimes on ELF land.”

“Even if humans militarize, what’s wrong with that?” asked Stuart.

“I guess you haven’t been paying attention. For years we have accepted the human rejects, the poorest of the poor, the mentally challenged and the outcasts. The ELF society has taken them in, cared for them, helped them evolve with the Gene Serum and assimilated them into our system, but now this human military has been forcing people to not to wander into ELF land even if people want help. Its irrational and criminal.”

“If we get the military to give up arms, the Council will roll back the ban on human reproduction?” said Peter, speaking for the first time.

“Yes, but I’m not speaking for the entire Council. This is my personal opinion.”

“We can try to make that happen,” said Stuart.

“I’ll discuss it with the Council if you do succeed,” said Nick.

“Okay, on different note, I want Peter to get security clearance to all areas in the company.”

“Sure,” said Nick. “Does that mean you’ll be joining the company research department?”

“I’ll help if the project is interesting.”

“We are working on some very cool projects,” said Nick, “You’ve been gone so long that I don’t know where to begin showing you.”

“I remember you showed me Life Suits last time.”
“Well, that’s just a brushstroke,” said Nick as he got up and started walking out of the room. “Follow me and I’ll show you the masterpiece.”


I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving day.
I give thanks for all of you and your support.
Harneet Bajwa

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