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9 P.M.

June 15, 2034

Doctor Steve Wills sat at his favorite bar with a half-drained glass of lager in front of him. The flat-screen TV hanging on the wall behind the bartender was playing a re-run of a college football game. The bar was empty, with the exception of two young girls sitting on the doctor’s left and the bartender who looked bored. 

I know this girl form somewhere, thought the doctor when he saw the girl sitting next to him. 

Suddenly, she looked at him and smiled. 

“Hi,” said the doctor.

“Hi, how are you?” asked the girl.

He instantly recognized her coarse voice. He had only once met a beautiful girl with such a rough loud voice. 

“I’m good,” he said. “Now, tell me if I’m wrong. Did you go to a murder mystery party on Halloween last year? You wore a bluish dress and won a prize for being the best dressed.”

“Yeah!” she said and turned to face him with a big smile on her face.

“You are probably wondering who I was?”

“I am.”

“Well, don’t stress about it. I was playing the character of a wealthy widower from England.”

“Sorry, I still can’t remember,” she said.

“It’s not your fault. At that time, I was a sixty-six-year old, bald, retired scientist.”

“Oh! I think I remember you now. You were wearing a white suit and trying to charm every lady in the room.”

“I was being in the character,” he said blushing.

“You look great for someone who is sixty-seven, but your glasses give you away. They’re too old-fashioned. I suggest you get cool, funky new ones or try contacts.”

“I can’t, I’m sentimentally attached to these.”

“You do think like an old man.”

They both smiled.

“How does it feel to be young again?” she asked. “You are like the second person I’ve met, other than my mom, who’s gone young.”

“It feels great. All my senses work as great as ever. I can see clearly. My hearing had started to degenerate, but now I can hear perfectly. My fingers aren’t crooked anymore. I have a full head of hair. I can eat anything I want. Before, my cholesterol was so high that all I could eat was rabbit food: vegetables, salads and egg whites. All in all, I’m loving life right now.”

“Great,” she said. “But why did you wait so long? You went young at sixty-six. I read somewhere that most people go young as soon as they hit forty—some even younger.”

“For a long time, I resisted the whole idea of Age-Reversal, but eventually I realized it was the sensible thing to do.”

“Fair enough,” she said with a smile. “By the way, my name is Holly.”

“Steve,” he said and shook her outstretched hand.

“It was nice to see you again, Steve,” she said as she pushed the empty wine glass away from her on the bar.

“Have a good night,” he said and watched the girls leave the bar.

If I see her again, I’ll ask her out, he thought.

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