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September 13, 2033

The Sally Holmes Show was one of the top-ranked day-time talk shows in America. As she sat in front of the camera, dressed in a simple-yet-elegant white dress, Sally Holmes looked at the audience and saw a familiar sea of middle-aged people. She had been pleasantly surprised when her assistant mentioned Stuart Lincoln had agreed to be a guest on her show.  

“Welcome,” said Sally looking at the camera. “Today we are being joined by Stuart Lincoln, the co-inventor of ‘going young,’ the CEO of Phoenix Industries.”

(applause from the audience) 

“And later we’ll have Meryl Stone, the beautiful actress, who is getting married next month to director Jimmy Ventura.” 

(large applause from the audience)

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Stuart Lincoln,” Sally said as she stood up from the ivory-colored couch. Stuart came on the stage with a smile on his face and waved to the audience. He walked over to Sally, kissed her on the cheek, and they both sat down on the ivory-colored couches facing each other at an angle.

“For those of you who don’t know our guest,” said Sally. “Welcome to planet earth.”

(ripples of laughter from the audience)

“He has been called the father of modern science,” she said. “He co-invented the Age-Reversal process and founded Phoenix Industries, one of the biggest corporations in the world. He’s reshaped the way we look at life. He’s a scientist, a visionary, a philanthropist, and above all, an inspiration to millions. Stuart, thank you for joining us.”

“Thank you for having me.”

“How are you?” she asked with a reassuring smile. 

“I’m good,” said Stuart. “A bit nervous. This is all new to me. Lights, camera and audience. It’s neat.”

Sally laughed.

“You are loved and hated at the same times by millions,” said Sally. “How does that make you feel?”

“I don’t really pay much attention,” he said. “I keep myself busy so I don’t worry about such things.”

“Some people have called you ‘the other son of God,’ while others have labeled you as ‘the Antichrist.’ What do you have to say about that?”

“We humans are a creative bunch. Aren’t we?” said Stuart with a smirk. 

“You’re known to be a visionary,” she said. “What’s your vision of the future?”

“Let’s see, where’s my crystal ball?” Stuart said as he looked around the couch, as if trying to find it.

(laughter from the audience)

“I must confess that I’m a hopeless optimist,” said Stuart. “I see us overcoming the existing problems of humanity in the near future. People are getting smarter by the day, becoming more conscious and aware, and that’s the only way the world is going to be a giant prospering peaceful place to live.”

“What’s the ideal world to you?”

“People living in harmony with each other and the environment,” said Stuart. “We as a human race overcoming poverty, overpopulation, global warming and, most important of all, human stupidity.”

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