BOOK 2: Chapter 9

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Inside the presentation room, Nick switched on the projector and dimmed the lights. An image of a dry rocky terrain came up on the screen. 

“Mars?” asked Stuart.

“Yes,” said Nick, “and here in the next image you see humans on Mars.”

An image of a group of people, all wearing Life suits and posing on the rocky Martian surface, popped up on the screen.

“We’ve established a fully functional research center on Mars,” said Nick. The next few images showed a huge dome, the inside of the research center, researchers controlling heavy machinery and drilling deep into the Martian surface.

“How come I never heard about this in school or the news?” asked Peter.

“It’s a top secret project,” said Nick. “The Council felt there was no need for people to know about this at the moment. If you want I can get you a job as a research assistant.”

“That would be awesome,” said Peter with a grinning smile, “Any chance you’ll let me go to Mars?”

“We could do that,” said Nick, “if you’re a good boy and promise not to create any trouble. Although you might not want to go once I tell you the details of the rigorous life. It’s a very demanding lifestyle.”

“How so?” asked Peter to Nick.

“Well, it’s not exactly a party up there. It’s hard work and the researchers often end up getting sick. The biggest problem we face on Mars is depression.”

“I bet it’s bloody boring up there,” said Stuart, “anyways, why all the drilling? Mining? Underground city planning? What are they exactly trying to do up there?”

“As with all space missions, we’re just trying to understand this universe better,” said Nick. “The answer to your question lies in Einstein’s famous equation.”

“Please elaborate.”

“Einstein said nothing moves faster than light. Up until a couple of decades ago, we were accelerating particles close to the speed of light just to see what happens. Nothing much came of those experiments but an idea. Imagine if a planet, say Mars, was to move at the speed of light?”

“You’re trying to accelerate the speed at which Mars rotates around the sun?” asked Stuart.

“Not exactly. If Mars starts gaining speed in its own orbit it would eventually fall into the sun due to gravitational forces between the two. We are trying to make Mars our space exploration vehicle and control it’s speed and direction.”

“That’s insane,” said Stuart, “you’re trying to turn Mars into a spaceship.”

“Yes, it’s the only feasible way to explore our galaxy among other things.”

“How are you even going to do that?” asked Stuart.

“We’re building an engine for Mars that uses solar energy and energy from its core. It should work. All simulations have been successful.”

“How many people are you planning to put up there?” asked Stuart.

“Fifty thousand.”

“Any humans or all ELF’s?”

“We don’t want to risk the future of space exploration on human error?”

Stuart took a deep breath and then said in sharp voice, “Why don’t all of you ELF’s go and explore the space? Leave us retarded humans back here to live in our misery.”

Nick smiled and said, “If humans were in control we’d all be still fighting wars and wasting money making bigger bombs. Don’t you like the society we’ve built. No countries, no money, no poverty, no disease.”

“I admire your society but your wonderful race of robots still believes in discrimination,” said Stuart sounding bitter. “Why don’t you ELF’s allow us humans to be part of your society? You know that majority of humans aren’t smart enough to look beyond personal gain but still you let them have their own governments and ways in their cities? Why don’t you just let them be a part of you ingenious system and all the human problems will be solved.”

“We can’t do that,” said Nick, “humans problem will exist as long as humans do. The whole point is for humans to understand and accept this and make the choice to become an ELF, to embrace evolution, not fear it. Isn’t that what you pleaded to the Council years ago? To let humans have free will?”

“You are trying to manipulate humans into their own extinction.”

“We’re just giving them a choice.”

“Time out guys,” said Peter as he saw Stuart shaking in anger. “Uncle Nick, I understand you want to explore the galaxy on Mars but then why do you want to accelerate it to light speed?”

“Good question nephew. It’s the only way to see what happens to mass at light speed. It’s a mystery that I don’t know the answer to. Hopefully we’ll find out soon.”

“Black holes are a mystery too,” said Peter, “are you guys working on that as well?”

“You bet,” said Nick, “but lets discuss them tomorrow. I think we can all use a bit of fresh air. Please join me for lunch.”

“Food sounds like a good idea,” said Peter and Stuart nodded with a smile.

The three of them walked out of the presentation room to the cafeteria. As Peter was about to eat, he got a text message from Christine which said: Miss you. Wanna meet up.

Peter smiled as he got ready to take a bite of his cheeseburger and thought, Human at last, my love.

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