BOOK 2: Chapter 2

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The next day, Stuart sat in his living room with his old friend Nick.

“I can’t believe the Council pulled that on us humans,” said Stuart, “it’s a violation of our rights. What were you all thinking? For God’s sake, you’re the Council president. Couldn’t you stop it?”

“Come on man,” said Nick, “It’s not that simple. The Council is made up of the most logical people in the world, except, perhaps you if you became an ELF.

“All the Council members are ELF’s, even you,” said Stuart, “I seriously think you don’t care about humans anymore.”

“That’s not true,” said Nick. “The Council has priorities. It’s society-centric. Look at our motto: society over individuals.”

“More like ELF’s over humans?” asked Stuart.

“You’re taking this the wrong way.”

“Wrong or right,” said Stuart. “There’s just one way to look at this. This new Gene Preservation Bill states that for the security of the ELF’s perfect gene, humans should be extinct. What if the autonomous police force starts rounding up and shooting humans?”

“Don’t be paranoid Stuart. This is the basic difference between humans and ELF’s. Humans react to change with fear while evolved ones react with logic and reasoning. There’s going to be no human genocide, I can promise you that.”

“You have to admit that human rights are being stripped away,” said Stuart, “for example, humans can’t date evolved ones. What kind of a stupid racist law is that?”

“It’s for preservation of the evolved gene,” said Nick blankly.

“Ah, your world revolves around that,” said Stuart.

“Gene corruption would be disastrous for the society,” said Nick, “human specific evils like disease, crime, corruption, poverty would become prevalent again. All the progress would be for nothing. We all know how the human story ends. Resource depletion. Starvation. Extinction. All studies suggest that. I can’t believe you still argue for humans.”

“I am arguing for myself,” said Stuart. “I’m human. A second class citizen.”

“You can always just take the serum,” said Nick. “After all you created it. You’ll make a great council member. The society would benefit from you being fully evolved. Now you’re just an incredibly wealthy retired human who can’t accept the change.”

“Oh please Nick. I’d give your proposal more thought if you guys had not passed the bill to dig up graves and burn the dead. Its amoral. You guys have no pride and honor.  It’s disgraceful!”

“Stuart, I think you’re letting your emotions get better of you.”

“Any normal person would,” said Stuart, “except for machines like ELFs.”

“No need to be disrespectful Stuart.”

“I’m not. I’m just passionate. Do you feel passion anymore?”

“Of course,” said Nick, “I’m very passionate about the work I do.”

“I’m sure. How are things at Phoenix anyway?”

“Busy. Lot of work to do but I love it, so doesn’t bother me.”

“Listen to yourself,” said Stuart, “you sound so human. How do you do it? How do you fake it so well. Not only you but all of your kind are so good at faking it.”

“I don’t understand,” said Nick, “I’m just being myself.”

“Yeah just saying the right things,” said Stuart. “I was an ELF once. Don’t forget that. I know how it feels. The mania inside the head. The zone one gets in. Nothing else matters.”

“How long has it been since you last worked?” asked Nick. “You used to thrive on invention. Where is your spirit?”

“I’m too troubled by social problems to be focussed on anything else.”

“I’m sure you’ll turn around and see the logic soon. Drop by Phoenix someday,” said Nick as he got up to leave, “there’s a bunch of new cool gadgets we’re developing. You’ll be surprised at the innovation. I’m sure it’ll put you in better mood.”

“Maybe someday,” said Stuart as Nick walked towards the door.

Maybe someday when I can trust you again old friend, thought Stuart as Nick left the room.

Stuart immediately called his son and said, “Come to the house Peter. I have something to show you before you make your decision.” 



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P.S. Nothing else gets me writing more than some encouragement ;) 

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