BOOK 2: Chapter 4

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Before going to bed last night, Peter had taken the serum and today he felt as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes. On his way to school he noticed the lack of colors in the city landscape. Most buildings resembled each other and he felt uneasy with the sterile environment. He felt an intense attraction to the brighter colors and he craved to cut open his finger a little bit, just to see the color of blood: deep and warm. 

The thought that he might be loosing his mind didn’t scare him as he knew that not many people would miss him. Making friends was not his strong point but today as he wandered the school alone, the loneliness didn’t pinch his heart as usual.

Maybe this is how lunatics feel, he thought. Peaceful, even while drooling.

Sitting in the classroom, he observed the way all the students meticulously took notes. For the first time in his life, instead of aspiring to be an ELF, he found them repulsive, boring and robotic.

Maybe I’m my father’s son after all, he thought.

Around noon, he was sitting in the cafeteria across from his girlfriend Christine.

“I’m not doing it,” said Peter.


“It’s a choice I made.”

“But it’s the wrong one.”

“Why?” asked Peter.

“What about our plan to go to Switzerland? I thought we were going live in Europe and do research. Did you forget about that?”

“Look Christine, I can promise you that we’ll have a future together. What it’ll be, I don’t know yet.”

“You’re so confused about what you want. What about a career orientation with Mr. Shultz?”

Peter looked around to make sure no one was paying attention and then spoke in a low voice, “I’m fully human now and I have the serum with me if you want to change as well. I feel better than I’ve ever felt. We can stay in Hamilton and do research for my dad.”

“What makes you think I want a mediocre existence?” asked Christine and immediately got up and left.

Well, that went well, he thought. Damn you ice queen.

They’d been together for three years but not any more. It was over and he felt sick, his stomach turned and feelings of despair and anger flooded his mind. 

Maybe she always thought I was mediocre, he thought. Good riddance. At least I won’t have to see her again. 

It was going to be his last day at that school. From tomorrow, he’d go to an all human school in Hamilton. He looked forward to being with the unpredictable yet soulful people.

A couple of hours later, school was over and he was about to leave for home when he saw Christine chatting with Billy. He felt jealous as she was laughing with her hand resting on Billy’s shoulder. Driven by the urge to talk to her one last time, Peter walked over to them.

“Can I talk to you Christine?” asked Peter interrupting her conversation with Billy.

She looked at him with a certain coldness in her eyes and said, “maybe sometime later.”

His heart wrenched with pain and he tried to speak but nothing came out of his mouth. She looked away and he noticed Billy frowning at him.

“What you looking at?” asked Peter.

“Rejection,” said Billy with a smile.

In a fit of rage, Peter punched Billy to the ground and then kicked him a few times. It was the first instance of violence at the school since ELF’s came into existence. Even though ELF’s didn’t have the gene to get angry, they knew when to call the police. Peter spent the night in isolation before being bailed out by his father the next day.

“Why did you do it?” asked Stuart as they were driving home.

“I got angry.”

“Fair enough,” said Stuart with a straight face. “Who did you tell about the serum I gave you?”

“Christine. Why?”

“Well, it was not a bright idea. I gave that to you in confidence. Now ELF’s know about it. She must have informed the police. I’ve been summoned by The Council today. You know how seriously they’re about protecting their perfect DNA.”

“I’m sorry dad,” said Peter meekly.

“Well, what’s done is done. Take rest. I’ll come up with something.”




Good news:
One of my short stories, Fire in the sky, will soon be published in the local paper. You can read that one along with other good ones in my collection, SPARKS on Wattpad.

Side note: If you haven’t already rated RESURGENCE on Goodreads/Amazon, please do so. I’ll be super stoked :)

Happy reading,
Harneet Bajwa

 P.S. Thank you for voting, commenting and reading. I truly appreciate it.

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