BOOK 2: Chapter 6

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With a dejected look on his face, Peter sat in front of Stuart, who had just informed him about the Council’s verdict.

“It’s not fair,” said Peter, “How can they dictate the way I live my life?”

“They can son.”

“I feel so…powerless. If I get into any trouble, they’ll forcibly convert me into an ELF. That’s just wrong.”

“It is but on a positive note,” said Stuart with a smile, “congrats, you can now see the difference between right and wrong.”

“I do. How did we get to this point? How come they have so much power and are practically ruling the world?”

“Didn’t they tell you the story in school?” asked Stuart with a smile.

“Well than it is time you knew. It all started with a mission by your uncles, Nick and Gordon. About ten years ago, the government was getting increasingly hostile towards Phoenix corporation. There was a federal inquiry into the Hamilton incident and a class action suit. Public opinion wasn’t on our side as well and there were protests everywhere against genetic evolution. In short, Phoenix was on it’s knees and bleeding.”

“I was about seven then,” said Peter, “I remember you being gone a lot. When you were home you were stressed and irritated.”

“Yes, it was a very stressful time for all of us at Phoenix. For the company to survive, something radical had to be done. Your uncle Gordon came up with the plan and Nick at the time was desperate enough to do about anything. The plan was to administer the Gene serum to all the member of Congress and the Senate and even the President.”


“Yeah, I didn't agree to it. I told them it was a bad idea but desperation makes men do impossible things. They hired specialists for the job and in a matter of weeks, most members of the Congress and the Senate were ELF’s. They got the President too. With the majority of decision makers being ELF’s it didn’t take much to convince the government about the potential of genetical evolution. Phoenix corporation survived but at the expense of human freedom.”

Peter shook his head in disbelief.

“It gets worse,” said Stuart, “At the time, Nick and Gordon didn’t foresee the consequences of what they had done. The ELF’s were in control and they despised humans. The government secretly started lacing food with Gene serum to convert everyone into ELF’s. We protested and a long political battle followed and when it was over, about three percent of the population was human and rest were ELF’s.”

“I guess history repeats itself,” said Peter. “Survival of the fittest. Humans forced Neanderthals into extinction and now ELF’s want us gone for good.”

“There is a good chance….” A beep from his watch interrupted Stuart and he stopped mid-sentence and clicked the button on his desk. A 3-D holographic figure of General Kurt Penn appeared in the room.

“General,” said Stuart, “what a surprise! How are you?”

“Furious. I need to discuss something with you in private,” said the General.

Stuart glanced at Peter and then faced the General and said, “This is private. Nothing is hidden from Peter. Tell me, why so angry?”

“So you haven’t got the news yet. Well, the Council passed two new laws today. First, any human caught committing a crime on ELF land will be administered Gene serum. Second, human reproduction is banned.”

“What?” said Stuart and Peter together.

“It is genocide,” said Stuart.
“How are they even going to implement this no breeding law?” asked Peter.

“I don’t know,” said the General. “Forced vasectomies maybe, I wouldn’t put it past those heartless monsters.”

“It would be some kind of sterility serum,” said Stuart.

“This is an act of oppression and will be answered with war,” said the General.

“No, war is never the solution, said Stuart, “We need to have a meeting with The Council.”

“I’m not here to ask for your permission,” said the General. “You’re free to do whatever you want. As the General of the Army, I’ll do what is necessary. It’s time to win this war.”

Before Stuart could say anything, the 3-D holograph figure of the General vanished.

“Now what?” asked Peter.

“We need to stop a war.”

“What if we can’t?”

“Then we make sure we win the war.”


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