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September 9, 2033

Two days later, Stuart and Michelle sat at a corner table in the Meridian restaurant. The day wasn’t going as Stuart had planned. It was a Friday. Their date night, the only one in two weeks, and he was over an hour late. She was furious.

“I think it’s time we had a heart-to-heart conversation,” said Michelle.

“Okay,” Stuart said as he wondered how he could make her feel better.

“How are you?” she asked. “I want to know about you, not work. How are you doing?”

“To be honest with you, I haven’t thought about it in a long time,” said Stuart. He tried to remember the last time she had asked him this question. He had given her the exact same response. It was two weeks ago. They had been cuddling in bed after making love. At that time, she had smiled and the conversation had taken a different course.

“Well, start by thinking now,” said Michelle without any emotion on her face.

He could feel the coldness in her voice. He had imagined meeting Michelle, having a nice dinner, sharing a few stories, laughing together, sipping dark rum, and making love as the moon traveled across the dark sky. The coldness in her voice shook that vision.

How am I doing? Stuart thought. The Department of Justice is investigating Phoenix. Fifteen states might ban us. The Gene project is almost over. My hard labor of fifteen years is finally coming to fruition. I’m excited. I’m happy. I’m pissed at the government. I’m tired.

“I’ve been preoccupied with challenges at work,” said Stuart. “And I haven’t really thought about my own self or you. I’m sorry for that. I apologize.” 

He knew that honesty always worked with her. With anyone else, he could talk his way out, but she knew him too well. She knew how he thought.

“That’s exactly the point I want to make,” she said. “You can’t distinguish the line between work and having a life. In the past six months, you’ve drowned yourself in work, and not because you need to, but at some level that’s what you want. It’s more important to you. You crave it. You thrive on it. Being on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion gives you a thrill. It fulfills you in a way nothing else does. Not even me.”

Boy! Are we being mean today, thought Stuart.

He knew he had to be really careful to negotiate his way out of this. A wave of exhaustion hit him as he thought of dealing with her.

Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, he thought and let out a sigh. He felt better immediately. It was as if a dam had exploded in him. A dam that stored all his emotions, filtered them, and released the right emotion at the right time. He felt a huge surge of emotions.

“You feel ignored, don’t you?” asked Stuart. “Lately, we haven’t spent enough time together.” 

He saw a hint of interest appear in her eyes. His emotions flooded his thoughts. Maybe we should cuddle, he thought. That’ll make it all better. All you care about is you. You don’t give a damn how important my work is. All you care is about the amount of time and money I spend with you because that signifies how much I love you. I expect better than that from my woman. I love you, but if you’ll measure it by the amount of chocolates or the number of roses I buy for you, you will never know how much. Fucking bitch! Giving me a lecture about how I am a sucker for work. We’re immortal. We’ve got ‘till eternity to do that mushy romantic bullshit.

He realized that he hadn’t spoken a word for a minute or so, and Michelle’s eyes had anger pouring out of them.

“Is that all you have to say? I feel ignored, that’s it? I should somehow fix that?” asked Michelle.

“No,” he said. “I say let’s go to Europe, Paris maybe, or Venice. Let’s take a vacation. Work’s been too hectic lately. Time off sounds good. What do you say?”

He leaned forward and held her hand in his as he looked deeply into her eyes.

“I don’t know Stuart,” she said as she moved her hand away from his grip. “I don’t think I can. I think you need some time to think about what you want. I just ... don’t know you anymore.”

Bullshit! Shrewd manipulative tactics, though Stuart. Typical of a wise woman. Any woman. I will not let you manipulate me. If you want me to feel guilty for you, it’s not happening. Just grow the fuck up. Stop pouting and being such a sissy little girl. I just can’t deal with this shit anymore. Here comes my drink, lovely, dark Rum on the rocks. Boy, I need it. 

A waiter stopped at their table. He placed a glass of red wine in front of Michelle and a drink in front of him. Stuart quickly picked up his drink and took a big gulp. The familiar bitter taste on his tongue sent a signal to the upstairs sensors to relax. He slouched back into his chair and looked across the table at Michelle. 

She looked beautiful. Her long red hair was pulled back and tied in a bun. She wore a fitted one-piece brown dress, and he could see about half of her perfectly round breasts as she leaned on the table with her elbows. 

Why the hell are you doing this? Why can’t we just kiss and make up? I don’t really have the energy to deal with your crappy emotional insecurities. You look great. Let’s do it right now. In the car.

“Are you going to say something or just sit there and grin?” asked Michelle in an agitated tone.

“Umm...” Stuart said as he opened his mouth to speak. But he stopped.

This must be killing you. Not getting anything out of me. It’s like talking to a stone wall. You can’t manipulate a stone wall. Your most powerful weapon is failing you. I am not going to address the issue at all. Sit here and grin is all I’m gonna do.

“What?” she said out of frustration.

“I’m struggling here,” he said finally. “I wish I had more time, but I need to finish what I’ve started. The Gene project is over and soon I’ll retire and be ready for a long vacation. I just need a bit more time.”

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