Chapter 4: The Magic Orb

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** all chapters from here I have NOT changed the brothers names**

 Chapter 4: The Magic Orb


Wind blew through my hair causing my brown curls to go flying everywhere. We soared over the moonlit rooftops to another world; another world that I only dreamed of. I wonder if this just might be a dream. Am I dreaming this? Will I wake up any moment now in the nursery at home?

That's impossible I already established that Peter is really here. Plus I doubt in dreams you actually feel wind in your hair. At first I wasn't able to get the hang of flying. I would wobble and slow down then speed up at odd times and awkwardly flap my arms up and down to make sure I stayed adrift so Peter had to be beside me holding my arm and steadying me through the wind.

Which I didn't really mind until Tink showed up out of nowhere. She would whisper things in his ear which I was sure was about me and Peter tried not to laugh.

I doubted she liked me... but I wasn't so fond of her either. Finally I let go of him building up the courage to fly on my own.

As soon as I was actually able to stay steady I found it quite fun. I yelled out in joy and began laughing hysterically.

I was flying! Actually flying!

I glanced over at Peter catching his eye. He looked away smiling and a small giggle left my lips. James zoomed past me and it took me everything I had not fall face first onto the city streets.

I glared at his back as I heard his laugh echo behind him. I sped forward and stuck my tongue out at James as I passed him.

Glaring, James tried to catch me and pull me back. But I was one step ahead of him, so I flew around him then above him and giggled at his confusion.

"Oh James! Looking for someone?" I yelled to him. He snapped his head up and gave me a grin. Liam and Peter were now in front of me and James soon caught up with them.

I glanced up in front of me and I realized Tink was flying towards me. She came rushing to me and when I thought she was going to pass me, she didn't. She continued forward. I stopped and threw my hands up in front of me.

Tink began fluttering around me poking at my bare arms and yanking at my hair. I wailed my arms out trying to whack her off of me. I didn't notice it but I began to float downwards not able to focus on flying.

She continued to poke and scratch at me and that's when I felt it... the sensation of falling. My hair flew everywhere as I fell down to the busy streets of London.

A scream escaped my lips as I realized I couldn't control my flight power. Out of the panic I couldn't remember how to fly and I shut my eyes tight bracing myself for the hit. But I never came in contact with the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself staring into Peter's green eyes again. I breathed in and out as we just stared into each other's eyes. He smirked at me clearly proud of himself and all I could do was smile back.

Realization hit me then, he just saved my life. He held me bridal style as we floated down to the pavement side walk. Breaking our connection, he placed me on my feet. 

"Thank you." I said while catching my breath. He put his hands on his hips and puffed his chest out proudly. A grin formed his lips as he glanced behind me.

I turned to glance at what he was looking at. There wasn't a person in sight on the street. A small building sat behind me. In the window was a show case full of jewelry. The sign above the door read Second Star to the Right Jewelers. I glanced back at Peter. 

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