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We woke up at 6pm so we quickly  wash up and get prepare to go out.
I wear my white  dress. Put a light  make up and a bit perfume.
Yoongi looks so handsome as usual.

"Are you ready  minah?"
"Yes." I nodded  my head.
"Let's  go."

Why did i feel nervous?
I don't know but i feel  butterfly  in my stomach.

He take my hand and he brings  me downstairs. We get in his car and go to the restaurant.
I just keep  silent  inside the car.
As we arrived,i saw a beautiful  restaurant  near the seaside.

But wait.
This is  too fancy.
No body here. Just us. I mean  the customer.
Yoongi take me to our table. He gave me a bouquet of  white roses.
I really  like white.

"Thank  don't  have to do something  special  like this. We having a dinner  at our house is good enough."

"Honey..." yoongi hold my hand. And i was shocked  hear he called  me honey but i control  my reaction.
" my sweetest honey,how can i let you cook on our anniversary.?"

Wait. What date was today? I totally can he can remember?

"Don't  tell me  you forgot  it"
I just nodded  my heart. Suddenly  he pull his hand. I think  he is mad.
I look at his face.
I was panicked.
He really  look  mad.

" im sorry."


I feel  guilty. But i got an idea
" please don't be mad my sweetheart." I try hard to do aegyeo.
He was laughing.
But he get up.

He walk to me and kiss my forehead.
I get up and we hug each other. Then i feel like  somethings on my neck.then we pull over our hug and i realize  that yoongi give a necklace. I was so happy.

" do you like it?"
"Anything you give,i will love it."
I pull his hand and i kiss hiss cheek.

Then we have our diner and go back home.

We're  so tired  and sleepy  when reach home. We straightly go to the bedroom  and i go to washup first. But yoongi also get in.

We brushed  our teeth  together  and after that he wait for me to wash my face. So i go out first and apply  some lotion. I can feel his warmness when he backhugged me.

"Let's  go to sleep "
I just nodded  my head.

And we lay face to face...

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Hi. Hello. Anyeong. (Is this the right spelling  of annyeong?)

Here i write an update. A short  update. I hope you like it.
I will try  give a good ending.
So do you have any suggestions?
Because  originally  i want to make them divorce.
Hahaha i want to keep yoongi for myself. I called  yoongi sweetheart  when i introduce  him to my friends.

Anyway  thanks and bubye.


Please  do give  me a conments.

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