If I Could Tell Her

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(Guys, we're close to 1000 reads and 100 votes! Are you freaking serious right now? Thank you so much! I am going to make a Boyf Riends book and a Treebros one after I'm finished with this.Also, happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈!)

Connor shifted in his seat beside (Y/N). They looked up at him and away from the floor." What is it?" They asked.

"Say there's a person who you see and talk to every day," Connor said, scratching the back of his neck nervously, a slight tint of pink of his face. "And you're kinda used to seeing them in a certain way. And then one day it feels like there's something more, something new that you can relate to, and your thoughts change on them."

(Y/N) cocked an eyebrow. "Elaborate for me."

Connor wasn't sure if he wanted to. They were at the aquarium, and (Y/N)'s dad could come in at any moment and ruin everything. "Well, they change in a way that flips your whole world over. From the person you thought about but never talked to, to a person who you could tell everything to."

"So, like a crush?"


(Y/N)'s face lit up brightly and she smiled. "Can you tell me who?"

Connor sighed a bit. He didn't want to tell her, but at the same time he didn't want to hold anything back. "If I tell you, you'll get it right away."

"Could you at least give me hints?"

"There is literally nothing like their smile. Sorta subtle and perfect and real. It can make someone feel absolutely wonderful inside and out. "

"Alright, first hint, person."

"They have sparkling (e/c) eyes that light up whenever they're happy or finds something that they love."

"Got it."

"(h/l) (h/c) hair that always seems to be perfectly messy for no reason. It's like they command it to be like that."

"I see you pay attention to lots of details. You could become a character designer or writer with those kinds of descriptions."

"And they absolutely love old things like Queen and AC/DC and Pac-man. Betcha they would probably get a tattoo of one of the Galactica ships when they get out of school."

(Y/N) looked confused as all hell. "Wait, that sounds just like-"

Realization hit.

"That's what I would-"

Everything sunk in.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy-"

And a cut off.

Connor had stopped (Y/N) from talking by doing something he never thought he'd get to do. He kissed them.

And (Y/N) let him. Connor was the first to break away." Shit, I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have done that, I should have asked first-"

"Asked about what?"

Connor and (Y/N) turned around to see Jonas standing near the entrance to the exhibit. "Uh, hi Dad."

"H-hi Mister (L/N), we weren't doing anything."

Jonas gave a 'really' face. "You kissed my kid, didn't you?"

(Y/N) started stuttering. "No no no, D-Dad, it's not, um, crap, uh--please don't tell Mom."

Jonas laughed a bit. "I won't, I just don't want to see the kind of stuff that happens in Eyes Wide Shut."

"That's was a cult."

"You know what I mean though."

Connor and (Y/N)'s faces matched colors that competed with tomatoes for the darkest red. Jonas laughed at them. "I'm kidding. Kind of."

He left the two teens in embarrassment. (Y/N)'s face was now covered by their hands.

"You watched Eyes Wide Shut with your Dad?"

"Shut up. It was a bad idea from the start."

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