You Will Be Found

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Another day at the aquarium, and (Y/N) was by themselves beside the shark tank. Normally they would have been with Connor, but he was out of town for the weekend. Their dad also had off, so they were here with their cousin, John.

Banging their head against the glass, they groaned in confusion.

They had no idea how explain their relationship or their feelings with and for Connor. They would talk about how they felt towards other people with him,  and him with them. But now?  They were confused as all hell.

They knew Connor was into them,  and they were into him. Hella into him. They even called him" a good date mate"AND then proceded to sleep in his room.

But with Amanda the way she was, (Y/N)  would never be able to carry out a happy relationship with him.

So you could say life had dicked them over.

John walked in to see (Y/N) banging their head on the shark tank glass. He took a seat next to them."So you've gotten to the point in life where you bang your head on the glass of a shark tank. Love issues?"

The teen nodded.

"Eh, I've been there. You think you like them, but then it turns out you love them, but your parents make it so you can't date them and be with them. Trust me, I've been there."

(Y/N) looked up at their cousin." How?"

John ran a hand through the bit of hair that wasn't pulled back in a pony tail." Well, I'm gay, my fathers the most conservative man alive, and we live in South Carolina. Why do you think I moved here, to New York, where dreams are made of?"

" Made of what?"

" I dunno. It's Alicia Keys. I love her, but the English student in me hates her."

" You are so fucking confusing."

" I know."


Connor wasn't exactly sure what to do. He wasn't anywhere near somwthing to keep him busy, he wasn't anywhere close to (Y/N), and he was with his family for two whole days.


Connor sat in a seat at a table, looking down at the hard wood. His parents were arguing, and Zoe was on her phone ignoring everyone.

" Look at him, he's probably high again," Larry said, looking up from his newspaper for the first time that morning before going back to reading it.

" Definitely high again," Zoe stated, quite like her father, but she didn't look up from her phone.

" Fuck you!" Connor shouted. His mother began to sold him." I don't want you getting high on this trip! We' re supposed to be here as a family, Connor! That goes for you too, Zoe!"

Zoe shrugged." Why would you take me on a trip that you knew I didn't want to be a part of?" Connor asked his mother.

" He's got a point,  Mom. What are we doing,  going to the Opera?  Are you kidding?"

Their mother sighed." Just get ready to go, please."

Neither of them did. They just continued to sit at the table and debate.


" I get it John,  but I'm not sure its going to work."

" Hey,  I am a responsible college student, I'm sure it' s going to work. If not, you can just tell them to fuck off and get all your stuff."

The plan was that (Y/N)  would move in with John and his boyfriend,  Alex,  and they would live with them and be able to date Connor. Of course,  they weren't going to tell their parents about the last part.

Now the two were outside the house, running everything over. After five minutes,  the two walked in.

"John? Why are you here?"  Amanda asked. She was sitting on thr couch on her phone with music playing. She put her phone down before walking over and hugging him." I'm actually here because of (Y/N) ."

" Mom,  I'm moving with John and his boyfriend," (Y/N)  said.

" No."

John and (Y/N)  looked at each other.


" Aunt Amanda, you don't understand. We came by the get their stuff. They are moving. Alex is helping them get a job for a newspaper,  and they'll help pay rent and-" John was cut off by Amanda again.

" I said no. They're my kid, I can do what I want."

" You could do what you want. I'm not a little kid anymore. I've come to get my stuff,  and that' s what I'm going to do."

After saying this, (Y/N)  ran up the stairs to their room and locked the door behind them.

Quickly,  they grabbed their bag from their closet and began throwing things in. Their cassettes, band t- shirts, headphones,  anything they could think of. Amanda was knocking on the door,  so they couldn't get out that way.

So they put their bag on their back and proceded to open up the window and climb out of it.

They dangled on the edge, debating their decision. They could try to aim for the bush to the right. They could try and go for the gutter to the left. They could just drop down, but that could result in a broke bone.

Still better than this hell.

When Amanda got into (Y/N)' s room,  this triggered a panicked let go of the windowsill and a lot of pain.

(Y/N)  had landed on their hand.


No time to wallow, just clear your brain and move ahead. There is no pain. You're fine. You can't whine all night. Just go,  and you'll be in for a whole lot better.

Running to the front of the house, (Y/ N)  saw John sitting in his car." Start the car!  Start the damn car!"  They shouted before getting in.

Quickly,  John pulled out of the driveway and drove off, flooring it.(Y/N) stuck half of their body out the window,  flipping Amanda off with both hands.

"(Y/ N), get back in the car!  I can't get arrested yet."


" Yet."

" John, how many turtles did you steal?"

(A/N: I know this chapter didn't have much Connor in it, but the next one will. What do you guys think of having John as your cousin? Please tell me in the comments.

Thank you guys for three thousand reads! Are you fucking kidding me?  Just a month ago I had one hundred,  and now I have  two thousand nine hundred more?  That's insane!

Welp,  time to go back to writing and listening to two dozen musicals.

Seeya guys, gals,  and nonbinary pals!

- Indigo)

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