Sincerely, Me (Reprise)

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Dear (Y/N) (L/N),

How's life been with your cousin and his boyfriend? I imagine its better than living with your parents for several reasons.

Have you heard about the guy at our school, Evan Hansen? I shoved him and then signed his cast. Weird, I know, but hey, what can you do?

Well, he's coming over to hang out with Zoe. Since I'm going to be bored, I was wondering if I could come over?

Or we could do something with Jeremy and Michael. Maybe we could go out and pretend to be newsies. Whatever you want.

Sincerely, your best and only friend, me

I'm thinking we should change the " friend" part. Any ideas?


Dear Connor Murphy,

Hell to the yes we can hang out. I'm sure John won't mind, and Alex isn't goijg to be home to bitch about noise and not being able to work.

Come over to the apartment after school tomorrow. We can do whatever we want then.

Pretend to be newsies? Well, I'll be sure to get an old fashioned sling for my wrist.

Sincerely, your freakish date mate, me.


How 'bout that?


Dear (Y/N) (L/N),

Okay. That works.

I had no idea what I was thinking with newies. I got bored, and that's the first thing that came to my head.

I'll come over right after school. Sorry about your wrist. Not that fun.

I don't think I've ever been to the apartment, so you could show me around the place.

Sincerely, your weirdo date mate, me


Dear Connor Murphy,

I'll show you around the place. Quite luxurious, I must say.

750 square feet, two bedrooms, not to mention a kitchen that was made in the late 70' s. My kinda stuff.

We live in the big white apartment building on Strawberry Fields Street on the fourth four. You can't miss it. The building, that is. I'm not sure if you'll find the apartment itself. I've gotten lost in this place four times in the past week. I'll try to direct you there as best as I can.

Sincerely, your freakish date mate, me

(A/N: So this is a bit of a short chapter, but I'm working on bigger chapter. Like a first date chapter. I'm also I'm in a mood for a lot of The Beatles.
Thanks for 4K reads!I never thought I'd get this far in life. *wipes tears away*
The next chapter will be up as soon as I'm finished, which shouldn't be long now. I really love how you guys pick up on ever reference that I make, no matter how vague. It's really amazing.


Seeya,guys,gals, and nonbinary pals!


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