Good For You

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When the sky starts to fall, your parents are the ones who keep you safe. They push away the parts in life and protect you.

Well, sometimes parents don't do that. Sometimes they can't handle the pressure themselves and they find other ways to deal with things.

They find their own ways to cope.

Sometimes coping kills.

A few weeks after Christmas, Jonas said he had to talk to (Y/N) about Amanda.

And he did.

They met at a park, a few kids playing. There was a chill in the air, one that you could feel throughout your whole body. The kind of cold that cuts you like a knife.

It was a while before anything was said.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Jonas said, not willing to look them in the eyes.

(Y/N) laughed nervously. "D-dad, what's going on? You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm happy, living with John and Alex. What's happening?"

Jonas pulled a picture out his pocket. It was the picture of a young woman. She had long (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, quite similar to (Y/N)'s.

"Her name was Naomi. She was amazing, beautiful, smart. She could do whatever she wanted. She would put her mind to something and in a short amount of time it would be done."

Jonas handed the picture to (Y/N) so they could get a better look at the woman.

"You adored her. You weren't that old, but you adored her. She was like an idol to you."

"When did she die?" (Y/N) asked Jonas. He was taken aback. "What?"

"When did she die? You were talking about her in the past tense, so she's either dead or missing."

Jonas shook his head. "Naomi went missing a few months after you were born. She left a note, saying that she didn't know where she would be or if she was ever coming back. Then she sent us a letter with no return address, telling us everything."

"What about Amanda?"

Jonas ignored the question and continued telling the story.

"Naomi said that she couldn't tell us her real name, who she actually was, or anything about her. How she had been undercover and became sidetracked. Very sidetracked. Even forgot about her real job that she was her for."

(Y/N) scoffed. "Sidetracked for fuckin' years, what it sounds like."

"She kept sending stuff, though. Your Walkman came from her. Then I met Amanda."

"Wait, what?

"I met Amanda."

"Dad, no. Amanda is my mom. Amanda is the vile bitch that birthed me. This woman-" (Y/N) said, standing up and grabbing the picture-" can't be my mom. She-she..."

Jonas sighed."Naomi is your mother, (Y/N). I've wanted to tell you for so long, but you were so--"

"Fuck you. You know what? Fuck Naomi. Fuck Amanda. If you wanted to tell me, then why didn't you? Amanda was such a bitch to me, you let her put me through therapy when there was nothing wrong with me, minus the fucking depression, which neither of you gave two shits about!'Oh, our kid doesn't have friends, we should put them in therapy and fix that. The depression thing is just a phase'. I call bullshit!"

Jonas didn't stop (Y/N), letting them yell. There was no stopping it, it was just something bound to happen.

"What even happened with that Naomi chick? If she was really my mother, she would have stayed or at least taken us with her. Have I even met her? Does she even know who I am? How the hell do you know this bitch is alive?"

Jonas rubbed his face."We've met over the course of a few years. You've been at school when these things happened."

"Well, good for fucking you then. You get to meet the chick you banged about once every few months while the child you knocked her up with was at school. Real fucking generous of you, Jonas."

"(Y/N), I--"

Both of them were standing up now. Jonas tried to put his hand on their shoulder, but (Y/N) flinched away.

"Don't give me that 'I'm sorry' bullshit. You did what you had to do to get this chick back. I congratulate you for being an asshole."

And with that, (Y/N) left their father standing in the middle of a park as they walked back to their cousins place, face red with anger and confusion.

They looked ready to kill.



whatever, I got that shit done do I can do words fail

That one is going to be a cry fest.

Holy fuck.

Anyways, thank you for 10k reads! This is weird for me, because I never thought this book would get this far. I thought this book would be primarily read from America, but we have readers from the Philippines.

The fuck.

Eh, I'm off to bed.

Peace out, guys, gals, and no binary pals!


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