Waving Through A Window

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The school looked huge on the outside. You couldn't see a place where there wasn't a single person. 'Great, so much for avoiding people,' (Y/N) thought to themselves. Maybe no one would be around the back. They could have some free time and a way to ditch that stupid cassette somewhere that no one would find it.

Quickly running around to the back of the school, (Y/N) pulled the cassette out of their bag and threw it in the large green dumpster. They reached into their bag and put in MGMT, and let Time To Pretend take over their thoughts and actions. Leaning on the brown brick of the school wall, they tapped their foot to the beat of the song, that sounded weird but good at the same time.

(Y/N) stopped when they smelled something off, but something she had smelled before. Like burning leaves, or something strange that she couldn't quite think of right now. Bone fire? Nope, weed. Was someone smoking a joint or blunt? Quite possibly. Did they care? Not at all. It was pretty common, she was even a bit surprised that someone was doing it out here. The teachers didn't care, nor did the school's Resource Officer. They knew from past experience.

"Who are you?" Someone asked, getting (Y/N)'s attention. They turned toward the person. He had shoulder length brown hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes.He had a brown satchel and was wearing mostly black, except for the white strings on his hoodie. He had a joint hanging out of his mouth, the source of the familiar smell. They shrugged in response. "Does it...matter?"

The other teen nodded and took a huff off his joint before dropping it on the ground and stamping it out with his foot. He grabbed one of their cassettes out of their bag. (Y/N) didn't mind, they wouldn't care that someone would mess up their cassettes, either, they could always get another one, or just record one if they felt up to it. "Well, I'm Connor. You listen to The Grateful Dead?" He asked them. "Physcadelic rock,"(Y/N) told him. "So you listen to music... that's on an acid trip?"

"More or less," They told him. A loud bell rung, an annoying screech, which signaled for the first class. They began to walk around to the front of the hellish school when Connor stopped them. They turned around and he was holding up her cassette tape. "What about your tape?"He called. "Keep it!"They called back and walked around to the front.


"Yo, retro kid!" Jared shouted. (Y/N) shook their head and turned around to face him. "New Walkman?"He asked her. They didn't respond. "Okay, same Walkman as last year. New tapes?"

No response.

"Alright, see you later, weirdo," Jared said before walking away from them.(Y/N) smiled to herself. "No one's going to ruin today," They said, walking towards their next class. 'Maybe I could sneak out during lunch. No one would notice, tons of kids don't show up to class after lunch. I could just not show up to next class. Wait it out in the bathroom until lunch, then-'(Y/N)'s thoughts were cut to an abrupted stop when they had walked into their next class. Great.




Sitting towards the back of the class beside a window, they put their (f/c) bag down on the floor and laid their head down on the desk, the cold false wood chilling their cheek and sending a chill down their spine. They drowned out the sounds of the teacher and the students. They stared out the window and at the clouds, watching the puffy white shapes dance across the blue sky. When you looked out the window, all you could see was sky for forever.

(Y/N) felt a pair of eyes on them, so they turned around. Behind them was Connor, and he was looking right at them. He looked away as they were about to speak. They opened their mouth but no words came out, so they closed it and turned back so they were facing the teacher.

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