Only Us

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Connor was nervous. Nervous beyond compare. It was his first actual date with (Y/N). The entire asking situation was awakened enough.

He cringed at the memory that came to him.


Connor was sitting beside his date mate after telling them about how he started doing drugs. That day he planned to ask them on a date to the Orchard.

A real date.

With a real person.

Holy shit, man.

Hesitantly, he got the words out, stuttering like a mad man.

"H-hey, (Y/N), would y-you, w-would you like t-to go out... got out wi-with m-me?"

And then the sentence after it seemed utterly and completely stupid. He was blushing like crazy at this point, his hands sweaty and clamming up. He now mirrored the Evan Hansen kid with the way he was acting. It was weird to him.

"Bu-but only if yo-you want to, I- I d-don't want you doing anything yo-you don't w-want to, I ge-get it if you don't want to gah-go out with me. It seems real- really understandable."

(Y/N) smiled at the taller boy, thinking it was cute, if not a bit strange. Why was he so nervous? He had been dating this person for about three weeks now, and been in love with them for almost three months. Christmas was coming, within the next week to be exact.

"Connor, I'd be honored to go on a date with you."


Now here Connor was, on Christmas Eve, waiting outside the apartment building, freezing his ass off.

It would be worth it, though. He got to see (Y/N) on Christmas Eve. One of the best times of the year, second to only Halloween.

What made Christmas Eve this year so great was that the old Orchard that had closed was dusted in soft white snow, untouched by anyone.

Well, except Connor. Connor had proceeded to take a bunch of fairy lights,  color some of them in Christmas fashion, and then hung them up on one big tree in the middle of the Orchard.

Then, when Connor came to pick up (Y/N), he would take them to get hot chocolate, then to the tree and give them their present.

It didn't seem like much, but he had a feeling that it would be loved.

After waiting outside for what felt like forever, Connor stepped into the apartment building and went up to the familiar building in which (Y/N) lived.

He knocked on the door, it being opened by Alex. "Hey, Connor! I think (Y/N) is in their room. I'll go get them."

Soft jazz poured out through the speaker of the record player, and the place smelled a bit like chinese takeout.

Yeah, this was (Y/N)'s place.

(Y/N) stepped out of their room wearing an oversized (f/c) sweater with a white bear on it. Their hair was messy, as per usual, and bags were prominent under their eyes because of lack of sleep, glaring at Alex.

Why the lack of sleep?

(Y/N) didn't know exactly why. Guilt, regret, anxiety? Fears they dare not name? It was a touchy subject. They couldn't explain the way they felt, or why they seemed like that, they just were.

It was weird.

"Alex, I swear to fucking God I will not hesitate to sell your ass to Satan for a -- Heeeyyy Connor!" (Y/N) said, shaking off the mood. "For a what?" Both Connor and Alex asked.

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