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two, chris

mandag, 6:29am

Someone screaming his name fully woke Chris up.

His eyes shooting open in alarm as they fell on the small girl next to him who had managed to sit up and eyed him with an open mouth, her hair all over the place.

How on earth did she end up in his bed?

"Close that mouth of yours or else I'm getting excited," he commented as he stretched, her mouth immediately closing shut. He felt her eyes on his naked torso and he couldn't help but smirk as he raised an eyebrow at her, her face blushing as she quickly averted her gaze.

Chris thought she was cute. And yesterday while dancing she was hot. Even her all-over-the-place-apperance didn't change the fact that Chris somehow felt drawn to her.

"What are you doing in my bed anyways," he asked as he got up to make his way over to his closet. He threw her a small look over his shoulder taking in her clothes that looked awfully uncomfortable.

"You don't remember?," she spoke up, her voice oddly pleasing as he kept rummaging through his clothes, pulling out a white shirt that he threw over to his bed before pulling on one as well. Sienna eyed the shirt in confusion as he pointed to her clothes.

"Don't you want to change? And to answer your question, no I don't remember."

"Turn around," she ordered and he did as told with an eye roll.

"Well, I kind of got drunk," she said while he heard her removing her shirt. He was tempted to just turn around.

"And then Noora took me upstairs to rest for a bit because I didn't want to go home drunk-"

"And I told her you could sleep here," Chris finished, recalling the events from yesterday all while turning around only to see Sienna quickly slip her arms into to sleeves of his shirt.

"Exactly," she squeaked under his gaze as he took in her appearance. His shirt was way too big on her and slipped off her shoulders slightly, falling down to almost her knees as she stood up. Sienna has always been small, however Chris couldn't help but smile a little at the girl. She looked good in his clothes.

mandag, 7:06am

Chris has always been afraid of commitment.

He had proven that by the numerous times he slept with girls and told them to fuck off afterwards. But somehow it was different with Sienna. Maybe it was because they didn't sleep together, but Chris found himself enjoying her company.

To reasons unknown to him, Sienna had agreed to stay over for breakfast after convincing him to drive them to school afterwards even though they were hungover- Well Chris was.

She was currently telling him about her vacation in the Netherlands and Chris has never heard a story more boring yet he didn't want her to stop talking.

She looked happy telling him about how her granparents and her were eating at a restaurant and she accidentally spilled soup over the waiter. She occasionally giggled making Chris smile aswell, as he wondered what the fuck was wrong with him. He should've made her leave as soon as they woke up.

"It was ridiculously funny," she kept telling him while stuffing her mouth with pancakes.

Most girls didn't eat in front of him. "I swear, the waiter almost cried." He cracked a smile as her eyes fell on him, her lips forming into a smile as well.

"Sienna," he interrupted her, "we have to go if you want to be on time." Her eyes fell on the clock on the kitchen counter and they widened as she noticed that school was about to start in fifteen minutes. "Oh my god," she panicked, "we need to leave, Chris."

She has never been too late to school and she wasn't planning on changing that.

Chris only chuckled at the girl as she grabbed her phone and rushed to the door, almost falling over her own feet in the process.

"How did they even convince me to go to a party if there is school the next day, I don't even have my books with me," she whined as Chris opened the car door for her, not bothering to tell her that she was still in his clothes.

He had managed to get changed while Sienna was making pancakes earlier but somehow the sight of her in his clothes satisfied him. And he wanted everyone else to see her in his clothes too.

"You better hurry," she told him in an accusing tone. Chris rolled his eyes at the brunette girl as he started the engine. "Yes M'am."

mandag, 7:56am

Everyone looked at them.

They had somehow managed to make it on time and Sienna only now noticed what it must look like with her getting out of his car in his clothes. Due to the fact that Chris has never taken a girl to school with him before it had to look even worse and Sienna felt her face growing red at all the attention.

Chris only laughed as he draped his arm over her shoulder, earning a slap against his shoulder by Sienna. "Take your arm off me, you idiot," she whisper yelled, "they're going to think that we have thing." Chris didn't mind them thinking that they had a thing going on, so he only shrugged and pulled her closer. Her petite body fit perfectly into his and he couldn't help but let out a satisfied chuckle at her almost scared expression.

"Just ignore them," he muttured against her hairline before pressing a kiss to it.

Chris didn't know why he was acting so god damn whipped and gave everyone a nasty glare as the whispers around them picked up even more due to his recent actions.

"They are just jealous because it takes a lot to be seen with the insanely handsome and striking Chris Schistad." Sienna rolled her eyes and refused the instinct of sticking out her tongue at him because she was sure he would jut add a sexual innuendo again since Chris seemed to do that a lot.

Her eyes started wandering around the yard in search of her bus group, however she was only able to spot Sana who looked between her and Chris with a raised eyebrow and she decided to not join her at the table, because Sienna had always been slightly afraid of Sana just cutting her with her eyeliner one day (she actually thought it was somehow possible) and right now, Sienna thought, Sana had a good reason to do exactly that.

mandag, 10:21am

"Bro, you are literally so fucking whipped," William said laughing and hitting Chris on the back, the other penetrators joined, Lars faking a high pitched moan. Chris rolled his eyes before shooting Sienna a small glance who was currently sat at a table in lunch hall with her girl friends of whom Chris only knew Eva, because he made out with her on multiple occasions, and Noora because William was head over heels in love with her. "I'm not," he then muttured, looking back at William who had a knowing smirk on his face.

"I guess if Lars hit on her you wouldn't care then?" He only huffed and shrugged his shoulders, very much caring if Lars did hit on Sienna, but not wanting to admit it.

"They can do what they want," he added, crossing his arms to prove his point, missing the look Lars and William exchanged since he was busy shooting Sienna, who was laughing about something, another glance, the croners of his lips tugging into a smile as well.

Fuck, he thought, I am whipped.
istg waiting for a new episode of skam is the worst

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