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eight, chris

torsdag, 6:56pm

"So," Chris said as soon as Sienna and Noora entered William's apartment, "who is the guy?"

Sienna looked up at him while slipping out of her shoes and shrugged.
"He's a friend."

Chris crossed his arms in front of him, his brows furrowed. "A friend? What kind of friend? You are literally kissing him and shit."

Sienna rolled her eyes. "Just a friend, Chris, why do you care though." He huffed muttering a "I don't" before strolling off annoyed. Her answer didn't satisfy him in the slightest and he sat down pouting like a child.

William rolled his eyes at Chris while pressing a swift kiss to Noora's lips who was left smiling.

Sienna awkwardly waved at him before sitting down next to Chris, who wouldn't meet her eyes and kept staring onto the cucumbers, sulking.

"Chris, you can't be mad at me," she sighted and poked his arm. He shrugged her off, still refusing to look at her.

"I'm not," was his short reply, making Sienna groan. "He's an old friend from kindergarten, Jesus." Chris rolls his lower lip into his mouth.

"Why are you kissing him like that?" Sienna huffed at his jealous behavior. He had no right to act this way, they weren't an item nor did they have feelings for each other.

"Because he asked me to," she clarified, grabbing a piece of cucumber and popping it into her mouth. "So if I asked you to kiss me like that would you do it?"

She was coughed slightly off guard as she slowly shook her head. "I don't know, I guess not, we don't know each other that well." Chris only nodded, his mouth turning into a grim line before he got up. "I'm gonna check if the burgers are ready," he muttered.

Sienna felt bad. She didn't want Chris to be sad or mad, she liked happy Chris. She wanted him to make silly jokes. She sighted as she leaned back in her chair, looking after him as he made his way towards the kitchen.

torsdag, 8:22pm

"So, you want to come in, my mum isn't there," Sienna asked, fiddling with her fingers as she looked at Chris who was looking out of the car window.

The atmosphere between them was still awkward and Sienna wanted it to go back to normal.

"Are you suggesting something?," he asked, now turning towards her with a grin while wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively. Sienna cracked a smile as she hit his shoulder.

"Never, Schistad." She got out of the car, Chris following her as they made their way towards Sienna's house. Same as Eva's mom, hers wasn't home often either due to work.

She had some sort of important position in a huge clothing company, Sienna had never really been interested in getting to know the details. All she knew was that her mom wasn't home very often and while it had been hard in her early childhood, she had gotten used to it and enjoyed the freedom that came with it.

"You down for Netflix?," she asked Chris while opening the door to her house and throwing her coat over a chair.

"Sure," he replied, making his way over into the living room. Sienna followed him, only to see him comfortably lying on the couch already. She giggled to herself as she plopped down next to him, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"Let's start watching new girl," he said while stealing a pillow from Sienna only to lean back on it himself, "I heard it's funny." She only hummed in agreement, her eyes focused on the television as she searched for said show.

She had already watched a few random episodes of it with Eva and they were funny indeed.

"What's the instagram dude's name," Chris tried to casually ask while Sienna clicked on the first episode, sighting since Chris wouldn't drop the topic. He had asked her about him all through dinner and literally demanded to know whether or not she knew which hospital he was born in or what zodiac sign he was.

"It's Frederik," she mumbled, shooting him a warning glare as he opened his mouth to ask another question. He huffed but closed his mouth and stared at the TV.

"I'm hotter than him, right?," he couldn't help but ask earning a sight as well as a giggle from Sienna. "You are not going to drop this anytime soon, are you?"

He only shook his head and gestured for her to answer his question.

"No Chris, no human being in this whole wide world could possibly be hotter than you," she said sarcastically, but Chris decided to ignore the irony as he happily smiled at her and accepted the compliment.

"I've had the looks since I was born," he exclaimed and Sienna could only roll her eyes at his cockiness.

"Even in kindergarten the girls were all over me." He proudly puffed out his chest, before letting a smile over take his features.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat, Chris," Sienna said, patting his shoulder before leaning her head on it. She could practically feel Chris' smile as his arms encircled her and hugged her closer to him, his lips pressing a kiss to her hairline. He seemed to do that fairly often, however Sienna wasn't complaining since she couldn't help but like the feeling of it. 

They were halfway through first season, when Chris began prepping kisses on the back of her neck. Her eyes fluttered close as her breathing hitched.

Chris smiled a little at the girl's reaction as he kissed the spot right underneath of her earlobe before pulling back, much to Sienna's dismay.

"Sienna," he said, making the girl slightly turn her head towards him, "I don't want you talking to other boys."

Her eyebrow raised as she leaned forward a bit to get a better look at Chris. "Excuse me?"
He sighted and pulled her back to his chest. "The thought of you being with someone else drives me crazy. You are mine," he clarified, making Sienna furrow her eyebrows.

"Yours? We are not even dating."
Sienna was confused since she didn't understand what exactly Chris was trying to tell her.

He groaned and licked his lip. "I know, but I hate the way other boys are looking at you."

"So you want me to stay lonely and single forever," she joked earning an eye roll from Chris.

"You have me, we are friends now, right?" She nodded in agreement.

"Sure, but being friends doesn't equal having a boyfriend." Chris never understood the whole dating thing, it just seemed stupid to him. Why would anyone settle down with one person, especially at such a young age?

"All the things you would do with your boyfriend you can do with me as well," he shrugged and quickly added a "I mean, going to movies or going out to dinner" as he saw Sienna's mortified expression.

"It's not the same," she argued, the TV long forgotten, "I mean, I'm not even looking for a boyfriend, if it happens, it happens."

Chris sighted in frustration. "I don't want it to happen though, just imagining you kissing another boy makes me want to beat the hell out of him."

Sienna was at loss for words. She was confused and a little mad at Chris for acting as if he owned her, so she just shrugged and looked back at the TV.

"I am my own person," she mumbled, her arms now crossed infront of her, "you can't just tell me not to date anyone or to not talk to boys."


i hate this chapter lol
new cover btw, i hope yall like it


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