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twenty, chris

torsdag, 2:09pm

Chris hadn't talked to Sienna since last Friday because he was butt hurt. She had just left without telling him and didn't bother texting him either.

Normally girls wouldn't stop texting or talking to him after anything sexual happened between them, which was always, and he couldn't help but interpret that Sienna regretted what they did.

"Maybe she's just embarrassed," William said, offering Chris some pizza and switching the channel to a football game, "after all it was her first, wasn't it?" Chris only nodded, grabbing the pizza and stuffing it into his mouth.

He hadn't thought about that possibility because Chris preferred to not think. "Just talk to her," William added, noticing his friends thoughtful expression while leaning back onto the couch.

"I'm not going to be the one talking to her first," Chris huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest like a stubborn child. William sighted at his friends behavior.

"And why is that, Chris?" He only shrugged. "She left, she has to make the first step." William muttered something inaudible under his breath while shaking his head.

"Just text her to come over or something. You are the dude, you make the first step. Whenever Noora and I fight she doesn't talk to me unless I apologize, no matter if it was her fault or not."

Chris chuckled at the imagination, however shook his head right after. "But we didn't fight," he then clarified, making William groan in frustration. "Same thing," he said, his eyes refocusing on the screen of the TV.

Chris dramatically sighted, reaching for his phone, pondering whether he should actually text her or not, but decided that he would be mature for once.

"Well seems like you gotta leave," Chris told William, a smug smile making a way onto his face as he heard William groan

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"Well seems like you gotta leave," Chris told William, a smug smile making a way onto his face as he heard William groan.

"Are you kidding me, I literally just came over two minutes ago." Chris only shrugged, pleased with William being annoyed.

"You are gonna go to Noora's anyways so you might as well show up earlier." The dark haired boy mumbled in agreement and got off the couch.

"Good luck talking, text me what she said later." Chris only nodded, laying down on the spot William had previously sat on, unlocking his phone to go on instagram.

"Will do," he replied, deliberating if he should post a picture on instagram since it's been a while, however decided against it, since he wasn't in the mood to search for a decent selfie neither was he in the mood to take a new one.

He sighted, locking his phone and closing his eyes. He would just take a quick nap while waiting for Sienna.

torsag, 2:47pm

Chris yawned, his eyes opening upon hearing the doorbell ring. For a second he was confused to where he was, but then remembered falling asleep on the couch.

The doorbell rang again and he sluggishly got up from the couch, making his way to the door.

"Jesus, I'm on my way," he said to no one in particular as the doorbell rang for a third time, Chris yanking the door wide open, only to reveal a flustered Sienna.

"Good lord, finally," she exclaimed, throwing Chris an accusing glare, "I've been ringing that doorbell for the last twenty minutes."

Chris rubbed the back of his neck but couldn't help to let out a small chuckle.

"I've fallen asleep," he explained, gesturing for Sienna to come inside which she gladly did. "Figured," she only replied, kicking her shoes off her feet and making her way into Chris' living room.

"So what did you want to talk about?," Sienna asked as Chris let himself fall down next to her on the couch with an exaggerated huff. "Well, what do you think," he asked, rolling his eyes at her ignorance, "obviously about the fact that you just left and have been ignoring me ever since last Friday."

Sienna's cheeks heated up at the mention of last weekend and she quickly shrugged. "I've not been ignoring you, I was busy."

"Busy doing what? Drinking milkshakes with Frederik and Noora?" He crossed his arms, growing annoyed. He wasn't mad at her for ignoring him, he was mad because she didn't tell him why. Her cheeks seemed to somehow blush even more as her eyes cast to the ground.

"I was embarrassed," she silently said, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip, her eyes firmly planted on her shoes as if she was afraid of meeting Chris' eyes.

"Embarrassed? Why would you bee embarrassed?," he asked, confusion clearly evident in his voice.

"Because I have never done something like this before and it was awkward."

"Awkward?," he echoed, clearly not sharing a mutual feeling.

"Yes, awkward," Sienna repeated, her eyes finally looking up at him. "Because you are experienced and it probably was the hundredth time you've done something like this with a girl, and then there's me who literally has only kissed one person, which by the way, was the most sexual thing I have ever done, if you can even call it sexual."

Chris gaze had softened, his hand grabbing Sienna's. "Why didn't you just tell me?" She shrugged, not exactly knowing why either.

Chris let out a sight, his arms opening as he gestured for Sienna to hug him.
She jokingly rolled her eyes but nonetheless wrapped her arms around his torso, her head burying in the crook of his neck. She had missed him.

"Want to watch new girl?," Chris suggested after a while, unwrapping from the embrace but keeping one arm around Sienna's waist.


He smiled happily, turning on the TV while lifting her up onto his lap. "It has literally been a month since we last watched an episode," he stated, rather to himself than to Sienna while clicking on second season.

Sienna mumbled an inaudible reply as her eyes were fixed on the TV screen, a laugh leaving her mouth every now and then.

Chris on the other hand was watching Sienna, his mouth tugging into a smile every time she laughed. Her dark hair was all over the place and her bottom lip coughed between her teeth.

God, Chris thought, she really is the most beautiful human being in the world.

guys criminal minds is back on suddenly I'm living 👌👌🤑

there are only like 4 chapters left yikes

question: what are y'all gonna be for halloween?

lover ; chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now