twenty four

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twenty four, part two, sienna

lørdag, 3:21pm

"I've just got the feeling that this is will go terribly wrong," Sienna muttered, her eyes following the roller coaster while she anxiously shuffled from one foot to the other, "maybe you should just go alone."

Chris waved her off, a huge grin on his face as he couldn't help but contain his excitement.

"Don't worry, it'll be amazing. You can hold my hand if you want." Sienna rolled her eyes at his offer but didn't argue against it.

"I just don't understand why we couldn't go on a carousel or something harmless," Sienna kept mumbling, stepping forward in the line, her Mini Mouse ears clutched tightly in her right hand.

"Because carousels are boring," Chris explained, his lips pursed. "I mean, who goes to an amusement park to go on carousels. We could have just went roller skating then."

Sienna shrugged, biting her lip and thinking that she would have much preferred that.

"We are next in line," Chris announced, interrupting her thoughts and instead making her whisper a few "oh god no's, I'm going to die". 

"Calm down," he chuckled, throwing his arm around her, "even if you are going to die, my face would be the last thing you saw, that's pretty reassuring if you ask me."

"Reassuring," she echoed, "seeing your face before my death is everything but reassuring."

She poked his chest, her brows furrowed. "And in general, your motivational talk wasn't motivational at all."

Chris only shrugged, a small smile on his lips. "Well, at least I tried."

The wagon arrived in front of them and Sienna once more started mumbling to herself as Chris pushed her into one of the seats.

"If I die tell my mom, the girl and the boy squad I love them," she squeaked, securing the belt around her.

"I'll tell your mom and the girls," Chris replied, checking Sienna's belt as well before securing his own, "and maybe Isak and Even."

Sienna rolled her eyes but couldn't help and laugh. "Big surprise here."

He shot a small grin and excitedly waited for the roller coaster to start moving.

"Oh and tell Noora she can have my laptop, hers is brok-"

A scream left Sienna's mouth just as the roller coaster started driving at a rapid pace.

"Oh my god, why is this going so fast." Her hand gripped Chris' arm and he pulled a face as her nails were uncomfortably digging into his skin.

"That's what roller coasters do," he retorted, preying Sienna's fingers away from his arm and instead interviewed their hands.

"No shit Sherlock," she yelled back, her eyes still wide in horror. "This is worse than my parents splitting up."

Chris let out a chuckle, about to answer, just when the roller coaster came to an abrupt stop.

"Oh my god," Sienna muttered, "is it over already?" Chris brows were furrowed as he looked around him.

"Well, considering the fact that we are stuck at the middle of this thing, I doubt it."

Sienna slowly forced her eyes open, looking behind her. "Uhm-," she mumbled, clearly confused, "what are we doing here then?"

Chris didn't know either. All he knew was that normally roller coasters didn't stop at the middle of the drive, so he was just as confused as Sienna.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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