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six, sienna

fredag, 10:46pm

Sienna has always been afraid of attention. She hated people looking at her since she always felt like they were judging her and whispering mean things about her appearance.

However, there wasn't much she could do about the stares she achieved as she entered the party with Chris. Her hands uncomfortably fumbled with the hem of her black tight-fitting dress that Noora had forced her to wear and that was way too short and revealing for Sienna.

Chris arm was casually slung around her as he held her close to his chest, not hesitating to shoot every boy who dared to even just look in her direction a dirty and challenging look.

Sienna looked gorgeous and hot and he couldn't help but imagine all the things he would do to her. However Chris didn't want any other boy to think the same and by the looks of them drooling over her, they did exactly that, making Chris a little too angry.

His jaw was clenched has he pulled Sienna towards William and Noora who both looked at them with award winning smirks on their faces.

"Sienna," Chris said, waiting impatiently for the girl to stop hugging her friend, "you need to change." Sienna looked up at him through her lashes, a confused expression making its way onto her face. Just twenty minutes ago he had told her that she looked good in the dress. She could hear Noora giggle but decided to ignore it.

"Why?" She really had no clue about the boys' at the party undressing her with their eyes and Chris took it upon himself to make that very clear, by spitting out a "because they are literally fucking you with their eyes."

Sienna's cheeks turned red instantly, her mouth opening but then closing because quiet frankly she didn't know what to say.

"Fucking me with their eyes?," she then muttered, avoiding Chris' eyes as she turned even more red. Chris groaned hearing her swear and he took a deep breath.

"Yes, Sienna." This time the girl turned towards Noora as the blonde girl giggled, William chuckling as well.

"Why do you care, Chris," William said, his voice teasing, which everyone but Sienna noticed, "don't you want her to move on with another guy?" Chris' hand balled into a fist as he gave William a hard glare. "She's not hooking up with anyone."

Sienna didn't want to hook up with anyone but she didn't like how Chris was making decisions for her, so she cleared her throat and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I believe that's my decision to make, Chris, and actually I want to hook up with someone tonight." She childishly stamped her foot on the ground, missing Chris' expression growing hard.

"You are not going to do that, Sienna."

A huff left her mouth as her brow raised. "Try me," she then replied, glaring at him as she turned to leave.

She was annoyed about Chris acting possessive over her when he wasn't her boyfriend or even just her friend to begin with.

Not once had he acted like that with a girl and Sienna was too annoyed at the moment to feel special, because she did feel special.

She liked Chris being soft with her and she also liked how he was protective of her, however right now she was mad. He didn't have the right to make decisions for her, she was very capable of doing so herself.

Chris eyes followed her as she marched away, into the crowd and sighted before turning to William, who was biting his lip, in regret or amusement, Chris didn't know.

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