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❗️ warning; mature content at the beginning ❗️

fifteen, chris

tirsdag, 8:34pm

Chris pounded into the girl who kept moaning his name, his arms on either side of her to not crush the blonde. She was good, but she was not Sienna.

Skin slapping against each other, the girls high-pitched moans and Chris grunts were the only things heard.

He kept pouncing into her at a steady pace, sweat prickling down his forehead as he bit his lip. He had missed this.

The girls legs crossed around Chris, his thrusts deepening as his mouth went to her neck, sucking and making sure to leave several hickeys.

She whimpered in need, his lips forming into a smirk as they wandered from her neck to her mouth, capturing it into a kiss.

Their tongues fought for dominance, Chris obviously winning as his arm went around her to press her upper body closer to his.

He liked kissing Sienna better. Her lips were softer, her body fit into his better.

"C-Chris," the girl moaned, "I can't last any longer." He went back to her neck as he buried himself deep into her, she was screaming his name as both of them came.

They were breathing heavily as he removed himself from her, sitting up and licking his lips while letting his eyes wander over the girl's naked body.

She was hot, he couldn't deny it, a lazy smirk making it's way onto his lips as he pressed a kiss onto her lips.

"Want to watch a movie," he asked her, seeing the surprise on her face. He never asked anyone to stay but he wanted to not think of Sienna right now.

Just imagining her together with that blonde boy made his blood boil and he took a deep breath as he looked at the girl in front of him questioning.

"Uh- yes, of course," she quickly said, not able to hold the excitement in her voice back. He rolled his eyes, already regretting his offer as he grabbed the remote from his nightstand to turn on the TV.

"Want to watch anything specific?," he asked her while opening Netflix, not wanting to decide himself. He heard her hum before she shrugged. "How about New Girl?"

His eyes shot up to hers, his brows furrowed.

"No." She looked taken aback and muttered a small apology before suggesting shutter island. He sighted, putting on the movie and leaning back, his arms encircling the blonde girl. She smiled a little, cuddling into him and pressing a kiss to his jaw.

This should be Sienna.

He let out another sight. Maybe he had overacted and should have just talked to her, however now it was too late.

onsdag, 9:15am

News traveled fast in Nissen and Chris wasn't surprised that three of the Penetrators had already asked him if it was true that he had let a girl stay after sex after first lesson.

He rolled his eyes but nodded while making his way into the cafeteria, followed by the rest of the boys, who were asking him questions, much to his dismay.

"Damn, she must have been good," Jonathan said and Axel nodded along while pointing to Chris neck. "By the looks of those love bites she sure was."

Chris hadn't bothered covering them up, mainly because he didn't care, but also because he didn't want to wear some sort of ugly scarf.

He didn't bother replying as he grabbed a yogurt, not giving it another thought to pay for it. The lunch ladies were used to it since Chris was way too impatient to wait in the line like everyone else and had told them he would pay them 200 kroner a week if he could just take whatever he wanted.

"I swear to God that Sienna chick almost cried when her fried told her today."

Chris head shot up his eyes focusing on Robert as his forehead creased. "She cried?"

Robert shrugged while taking a bite out of his apple. "Looked close to it, she went all silent and shit, what's going on with the two of you anyways?"

Chris felt bad. His eyes swept over the tables, searching for Sienna who was sitting with her bus, already looking at him. Their gazes locked before her eyes cast down to the hickeys on his neck, hurt flashing through them, before she quickly looked away. He needed her.

"Nothing is going on between us." He shoved another spoon full of yogurt into his mouth, fishing out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans.

He had a few notifications but decided to ignore them and only clicked on William's chat which showed six new messages.

Chris already knew that he was going to yell at him about Sienna and sighted, scrolling through the messages.

Chris was beyond annoyed

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Chris was beyond annoyed. Everyone was up his business and he was sick of it.

"I'm gonna to skip next lesson," he told the boys while getting up, taking his half eaten yogurt to throw it into a nearby trash.

He pulled the hood of his Penetrator hoodie over his head while searching for his cigarettes in his bag.

Taking them out and stepping onto the school yard, he lit one and inhaled the smoke, letting it hit his lungs before exhaling it.

He felt himself relaxing immediately and sat down a bench. He didn't care if his teachers could see him skipping, they were used to it and his grades were good, so they didn't really care either.

He let out a frustrated groan, leaning back onto the bench and decided to text the girl from yesterday.

She had put her number into his phone and told him to text her whenever he needed her with a wink, and right now Chris did.

His phone vibrated, showing him that she had already texted him back saying she would be there in a minute and Chris smirked, finishing his cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stomping it out.

He could see her at the main entrance, making her way over to him, a smile tugging at her lips as she had her arms crossed in front of her to shield her from the wind. Her blonde hair was slightly messy but she still looked hot.

"Hey," she said, Chris returning her greeting before grabbing her by the hips and pulling her down onto his lap.

Their mouths immediately found each other as they started making out and Chris felt himself relaxing.

His hands wandered underneath of her shirt as he felt goosebumps forming on her skin, her breath hitching as she pressed her body closer to his.

She wasn't Sienna but she was okay. He didn't feel the tingles but it was okay. He didn't feel the excitement but it was okay.

She pulled back a little, her forehead leaning onto his as she nervously bit her lip, shifting uncomfortably on his lap, earning a low grunt from Chris.

"Chris?," she asked, her hand wandering down his torso, "do you think my friends and I could come to your next party? They've been basically forcing me to ask you."

He let out a chuckle and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Sure, babe."

She smiled happily at him, her hands stopping at his belt, her eyes full of fake innocence as she looked up at him again. "Wanna go inside find an empty class room?"


casually eats nachos while writing the smut part (it's short btw i didn't wanna go into detAIL)

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