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seventeen, sienna

fredag, 8:55pm

Sienna had no idea how Vilde and the rest of the girls had convinced her to tag along to a party that Chris hosted, however she found herself in his living room, a bottle of wine in her hand while she happily laughed and danced along to a Swedish rap song she's never heard before with the rest of the girls.

Eva took her hand and spun her in a circle, earning a giggle from Sienna.

Even Sana looked like she was having the time of her life, as she laughed along with Chris Berg who was drunkenly telling jokes.

"That boy has been eyeing you for the past hour," Eva whispered into Sienna's ear while trying to discretely point behind the girl, however failing miserably, since the boys's ears turned a light shade of red.

Sienna followed Eva's outstretched finger and smiled at the dark haired boy, who returned it, telling his friend who was standing next to him something and making his way over to her.

"Get some," Eva giggled while pushing Sienna towards the boy, the small girl stumbling a little but regaining her balance quickly, mentally thanking herself for putting on some Vans instead of the high heels Vilde had tried to pressure her into wearing.

"Hey," she said, biting her lip nervously as the boy's arm casually slung around her waist.

"Hey," he replied, gesturing for her to follow him to the couch. She complied, letting him guide her through the mass of people.

No doubt, Chris parties were the most popular ones.

Sienna sat down next to the boy, who was sitting a little too close for her liking, however she shrugged it off and reminded herself that she had promised the girls to have fun tonight.

"So, what's your name?," she asked, pushing some of her hair behind her ear, as he opened another can of beer and took a gulp.

"Jasper, what about you?" She told him her name, unscrewing the lid of her wine bottle and taking a swig from it, cringing at the taste.

"You go to Nissen as well?" He shook his head and laughed.

"If I would, I would have made sure to chat you up earlier."

Sienna smiled a little at the compliment and decided that she did, indeed, like him.

Just when she was about to ask another question, a body pushed between them, Sienna's mouth setting into a frown as she made it out as Chris.

"Why hello, Sienna," he acknowledged her presence before turning to Jasper, a smug look on his face as his arm sneaked around the girl next to him, who was way too shocked at Chris' sudden behavior to shake his arm off.

"And hello to you too, I hope you had a nice little chat with Sienna, unfortunately she's not available, so fuck off."

Jasper looked at Chris irritated, before his eyes wandered to Sienna who's mouth was slightly open in surprise, however as Chris pressed a kiss to her temple, she seemed to regain her senses, as she pushed his arm off and scrambled away from him, her features clouding over.

"Actually," she said, her voice angry as her arms crossed in front of her chest, "I am available."

Chris didn't have the right to not talk to her for about a week and suddenly decide that he could go ahead and take her chances of getting to know a boy.

Especially when he had been seeing multiple girls over the past week.

Jasper seemed slightly confused as his eyes wandered between Chris and Sienna who stared at each other with hateful looks, seeming to have a full on conversation with their eyes.

Finally, Sienna sighted and rolled her eyes, looking at Jasper.

"Meet Chris, he thinks he owns me because we made out twice."

Her words stung and Chris bit his lip, mumbling a "actually it was four times."

Sienna shot him a hard look and he leaned back onto the couch.

She had every right to be mad at him, he had been acting like an idiot when she came to apologize and throughout the whole last week.

Fact was, that Chris was going crazy without her and his body as well as his mind craved her.

He wanted nothing more than to hug and kiss her.

"I also was her first kiss," he added childishly, wanting the dude to leave already so he could apologize to Sienna, however he seemed to have other plans as his hand grabbed Siennas, shooting Chris a funny look.

"All right mate, congrats, I guess." Chris jaw clenched as he slowly looked up from their interviewed hands.

Sienna felt a little uncomfortable. She wanted to get to know Jasper, however she felt like he was only trying to piss Chris off at the moment, so she withdrew her hand, missing Chris' triumphant look.

"If you would fuck off now," he said, his brow raised as his arm once again found its way around Sienna.

Jasper huffed, shooting Sienna a glare but getting up nonetheless.

Chris eyes followed him as he disappeared in the crowed, before he turned back to Sienna who was carfully watching him, her lips pressed into a thin line.

Chris sighted as he licked his own lips.

"I'm sorry Sienna," he said, taking her hand and playing with her fingers absentmindedly.

"I've behaved like an idiot and I really am sorry."

Sienna only shrugged, not meeting his eyes.

"It's whatever, we are not a thing nor will we ever be."

His eyes darkened slightly as he let out a dry chuckle.

"We were friends," something more than friends, "and I want to go back to that."

"Why should I even just consider forgiving you," she spat, her arms crossing in front of her.

"After all you don't seem like the type of person who forgives easily either."

Chris knew she was referring to her attempted apology and sighted deeply.

"I'm sorry for that too. I was jealous of Frederik and wanted you to feel the same."

Sienna didn't expect Chris to be so honest and was at loss for words, her teeth digging into her bottom lip.

"I miss you, Sienna. So much, I'm going crazy."

She missed him too. Her eyes met his and she couldn't help but let a small smile form on her lips.

She has never been good with being angry at people and scolded herself.

"So, friends?," Chris asked, a hopeful look on his face.

She rolled her eyes but nodded.




ALSO im so sorry for not updating but my laptop broke and I had to rewrite the chapter AND IT TURNED OUT SO BAD IM SORRY

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