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nine, sienna

fredag, 1:07pm

"Oh my god," Eva squealed, "he is totally into you."

Sienna rolled her eyes. "He really isn't Eva," she then exclaimed, reaching over to grab a slice of pizza off Vilde's plate since the blonde girl didn't seem like she wanted to eat it anyways.

"Believe me girl, he is. He said he doesn't want you dating anyone because it makes him jealous, why else would he be jealous if it wasn't for him liking you?"

Sienna only shrugged and stuffed her mouth with pizza since Eva did have a point there. However, she was sure Chris didn't, since he kept hooking up with other girls.

"I saw him with Iben yesterday," she said, wiping some pizza sauce away with her napkin, "also he's been ignoring me the past few days."

"Because you turned him down," Noora added while peeling a mushroom off her pizza with a disgusted face.

"Why on earth do they put mushrooms on pizza, that's close to committing the crime of putting pineapple on it."

Sienna laughed as she couldn't help but agree. Fruit simply didn't belong on pizza.

"Plus Iben has always been clingy, he probably just can't get rid of her."

Sinna bit down her bottom lip. She had actually always liked Iben since they got along fairly well and were friendly towards each other, however, ever since the drama between her and Eva half a year ago, Sienna wasn't so sure of her liking the girl anymore.

"That poor guy has probably never been turned down before," Sana muttered yet her expression didn't seem like she felt bad for him.

Sienna sighted and wanted to go ahead and defend herself but was stopped by Eva and Vilde giggling and pointing not so discretely behind her.

"You might as well just go ahead and apologize now since he's coming over," Vilde said, nudging Eva who had a huge grin on her face.

Sienna groaned at her friends' behavior and turned around to, indeed, see Chris walking over to their table, William trailing behind him, offering Sienna a smile before his eyes found Nooras' who immediately looked away to Vilde who luckily didn't seem to have noticed their small encounter.

"Hey Sienna, hey other girls," Chris said, casually sitting down next to her and slinging an arm over her shoulder, "what's up?"

Eva and Vilde couldn't help but gawk at him and Sienna also looked at him a little longer than necessary. His previously dark hair now had blonde highlights in it, making him look even more handsome than before.

"Uhm, nothing much, just eating lunch," she then muttered, her eyes leaving his to look over the table which was cluttered in pizza cartoons. She had missed Chris, she admitted to herself and she couldn't help but notice how good his arm around her felt.

"We just came over to invite you to our next party, it's on Friday - which is tomorrow," Chris proceeded to say while snatching a slice of pizza off of Vilde's plate as well.

"You can even come over for pre-drinks." His expression turned into one of disgust as he noticed the mushrooms on the pizza but nonethless took a huge bite.

"How generous," Sienna and Noora said at the same time and grinned at eachother afterwards. Chris and William exchanged a quick glance, both thinking how adorable the two girls were.

"Well, just let us know if you want to come, babe," Chris said before pressing a kiss on her hair once again. Sienna felt her face growing hot at the nickname he gave her and uttered a small "all right".

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