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five, chris

onsdag, 5:00pm

After promising Sienna that he would apologize to William the next day, he was able to convince her to stay and watch movies with him.

Fortunately it didn't take him much, since she more or less immediately agreed after he told her he had snacks.

Now they were cuddled together on the sofa and Chris couldn't help but feel good as his arms sneaked around Sienna and hugged her closer.

She didn't notice much of it since her eyes were glued to the television as she shrieked, her eyes widening upon seeing a sexual scene.

Chris chuckled as her hands shielded her eyes and couldn't help but press a kiss to the base of her neck, her head turning to him in protest, her left eyebrow raised. He wanted to take her on this couch so fucking badly. She had him wrapped around her little finger without having done anything and without even knowing so.

"Sienna," he said, the girl being glad he distracted her from the scene currently playing, "do you have any siblings?" She looked confused, her lips pursed before shaking her head.

"Do you live with your parents?," he asked again and this time she nodded, looking at him questioningly. "Why are you asking though?" He only shrugged, licking his lips. "Just curious."

He wanted to get to know her but Chris didn't know how to get to know girls. "When is your birthday?" She chuckled, turning back to the screen. "Is this twenty questions?," she asked but added a "March twenty-second."

Sienna was confused to why Chris was suddenly asking her all those questions but shrugged it off and leaned her head back onto his chest. He was warm and she felt comfortable snuggled into him. Her eyes fluttered close and she couldn't help but let a content smile form on her lips.

"Are you gonna stay the night?" Chris asked, hoping she would agree since he didn't want her to leave just yet. She merely nodded, a small yawn leaving her lips.

Chris smiled at the girl. She was adorable to him. Chris reached for his phone, careful to not move Sienna who was still comfortably laying on his chest, her eyes now fully closed. He scrolled past the multiple texts of girls and clicked on William's chat.

hi william
i am sorry, im an idiot

His finger undecidedly hovered over the sending button, cringing as he reread the text and noticing how gay it sounded, however he pressed send before locking the phone and throwing it next to him.

"I apologized," he said, his eyes darting back to Sienna, a proud expression on his face, which faltered as he saw her fast asleep.

"How does one fall asleep within ten seconds," he muttered to himself, before grabbing his phone again, a sight leaving his lips.

im sorry too bro

Chris couldn't help but smile a little and had to admit to himself that he had missed William. He was his best friend after all.

dude, sienna is literally sleeping on me rn

He waited patiently for William to reply all while casting Sienna glances now and then.

damn dude, get some

torsag, 12:36am

Chris was annoyed. He had asked the Penetrators how to make a girl like him and they told him that he had to put effort into it. And Chris hated effort. He wasn't even sure what it was exactly, since everything in his life had been effortless until now.

"Should I buy her flowers or some shit like that?," he asked William who had to bite his lip during their whole conversation to not just burst out laughing. His best friends was genuinely clueless.

"Yes, buy her some roses," Jonathan said, earning a slap from William who couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. "Don't buy her flowers. Just be nice and stuff. Ask her on a date or something."

"A date?" Chris was officially done with his life. "I don't even know how that works."

His eyes were searching for Sienna on the yard and he frowned seeing her talk to Jonas, the guy who started a fight with him because he hooked up with his girlfriend.

"Be right back," he muttered, his fist balling as he saw her laughing about something the wanna be hipster had said.

Chris angrily marched over to the pair, his arm slinging around Sienna and holding her protectively against him, all while glaring at Jonas. He had missed holding her close and once again he couldn't help but admit that he loved the feeling of her against him.

"Sienna, can we talk for a second?" The small girl turned her head to get a better view on him, her lips pursed as she pointed to Jonas.

"We were just talking and heading to get some kebabs." Chris frowned. Why were they going out to eat together. Was this considered a date already? His grip on Sienna tightened as he pressed a kiss to her hair, his eyes not leaving Jonas'.

"Great, I was hungry anyways, kebab sounds good." Jonas looked at him, his brow raised as he couldn't help but wonder since when Christoffer Schistad acted jealous.

Sienna cleared her throat and awkwardly and looked at her feet. "Well, I guess you could join us, we were just leaving." Chris nodded, satisfied as he interviewed their hands, earning yet another confused look from Sienna aswell as Jonas, but he didn't care. He wanted to show everyone that Sienna wasn't available because she was his.

He listened to Sienna and Jonas talk about a party they wanted to go to, biting his lip as he wasn't sure which party exactly they were talking about.

"Are you going, Chris?," Sienna asked, her voice snapping him out of his thoughts.

He looked at her and couldn't help but smile as he took in her red cheeks and nose, her scarf covering half of her face.

"Which party is it?" Sienna shrugged, trying to remember the name of the girl who was hosting it. "Naomi? Nellie? I'm not sure, she's in third year like you." Chris nodded, remembering that she had invited him over to her party the last time they hooked up.

"Yes Nellie, I'm going, you want to come with me?" Her eyes widened a bit as she looked at Jonas. Nobody from first year was going to be there, Nellie made sure to mention how exclusive the party was as she only invited people worthy of her time. "I would love to, but none of my friends are going to be there, so it would be kind of awkward." She bit her lip, irritating Chris as his eyes focused on them, forgetting what he wanted to say. God he really wanted to kiss her.

"Plus she said that no first year was allowed there." His eyes snapped up, not sure what she was talking about. "So it would be awkward to be the only first year."

He shrugged. "I'm going to be there though and you know William as well."

Sienna let out a small laugh and punched Chris' shoulder playfully. "Yes and both of you are going to go ahead to hook up with a girl as soon as we enter the party."

She couldn't help but feel a tiny sting of jealousy as she spoke her words and wondered what the hell was wrong with her.

Chris looked at her in mock hurt, his hand finding it's way to his heart. "I would never," he said in fake sadness as Sienna giggled a bit.

"But really, I wouldn't just leave you alone, Sienna. And Noora is probably going to be there with William."

Sienna's face brightened. She always forgot about the thing between Noora and William, since Noora desperately tried keeping it a secret because of Vilde.

"Oh right, I forgot about that," she said, "I guess I'm going then."
they're so cute 🙃

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