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thirteen, sienna

mandag, 9:46am

Sienne nervously bit the insides of her cheek as she entered the school yard after her first lesson.

Her eyes sweped over the yard in search for either Chris or her friends, however she could only make out Sana, Noora and Vilde.

She quickly made her way over to the three girls while tugging at the sleeves of her sweater to protect her hands from the cold weather.

"Hey," she smiled at the girls while sitting down next to Sana who was eating a yogurt and greeted her back with a small smile.

"Where are the others?" Sana shrugged and mumbled a "probably still in class or something" which Vilde nodded to.

"They have maths with Mr. Nilsen, he always extends class."

Siennas head shot up as she made out Chris' laugh from across the yard.

He was chuckling about something William had said, his head tilted back as he blew out the smoke from his cigarette.

He had left her on read yesterday and she felt bad about it. She had told him that Frederik was only a friend, however she knew that Chris was still jealous.

She had only told Noora and Eva about their kiss since she was the closest with them and they freaked out, basically yelling at her over voice messages how she could even just think about going out with Frederik and especially how she could tell Chris about it.

Their eyes met and Sienna smiled widely at him, however, his jaw only clenched and his eyes turned cold, before he turned back to William and the other boys.

Her smile faltered as she kept staring at the back of his head, before slowly averting her gaze and looking at Noora instead who had followed their exchange and now looked at Sienna with sympathy.

"He's just jealous, give him a few days."

Vilde looked at the brunette girl interested, her expression telling Sienna that she was ready to gossip, however Sienna wasn't, so she just smiled at Noora and grabbed her bag while getting up.

"Yeah right, will do, uh- I have left my pencil case in class, I better go get it."

She awkwardly waved at the girls before making her way towards the school building.

Her steps slowed down a little as she passed Chris and his group of friends and shot him a quick look only to find him already staring at her.

Neither of them wanted to look away first so Sienna just stopped walking to fully turn towards him, her brow now raised.

She heard him sight and he rolled his eyes as he said something to the boys' and made his way over to Sienna.

"Hey," she said silently, wanting nothing more than hugging Chris.

"Hey," he replied, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans as he gestured towards the entrance of the school with his head.

"Want me to walk you to class?"

Sienna was well aware of the looks they received of the people who were scettered all over the yard and quickly nodded, not wanting to raise attention.

The pair made their way into the building, the hallways more or less empty giving them some privacy.

"He's just a friend," Sienna said quickly, not meeting Chris' eyes as they walked towards the B wing of the school.

She heard Chris chuckle dryly and turned her head towards him to examine his face, the skin between his eyebrows furrowed in what Sienna made out as anger.

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