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three, sienna

lørdag, 09:12pm

"I still can't believe what happened between you and Chris," Eva told Sienna for the hundredth time as she applied some blush to the dark haired girl's cheeks before setting everything with setting spray, making Sienna cough since she inhaled it by accident. Sienna only shrugged and looked at herself in Eva's bathroom mirror, satisfied with how she looked. Eva made her blue eyes twinkle and her cheekbones stand out, making her look a little older overall. Sienna felt pretty. And a little hot as well.

"He was just being nice, it's whatever," Sienna declared, not wanting to admit to herself that her statement stung a little. They haven't talked since their last encounter and she wasn't planning on changing that since she felt like Chris was ignoring her on purpose.

She had tried talking to him once but he had just kind of brushed her off and disappeared.

"Nice?," Eva asked, her head turning to Sienna, "Chris is everything but nice, I reckon he has taking a liking towards you."

Sienna didn't answer because she knew he hadn't. It was Chris after all, however it was pointless arguing with Eva. Instead, Sienna eyed her outfit in the full lenght mirror, which consisted of a tight fitting black top which Eva had lent her, showing off her every curve. Her black skinny jeans didn't leave much to the imagination either and Sienna wasn't sure if she wanted to actually wear something that revealing. Revealing to her anyways.

The bathroom door opened and Vilde marched in, dressed in a short dress, making Sienna feel a little better about her outfit choice. She had a bottle of a liquor unknown to Sienna in her right hand and some plastic shot glasses in her other.

"I'm planning on hooking up with someone today, so we better get drunk," were Vildes first words and both, Eva and Sienna cracked a smile at that. Sienna was almost certain that Eva had the same plan hence to her actions during previous parties, and she played with the thought of making out with someone as well. She wasn't scared of it anymore since she obviously knew what to do with her hands or lips or tongue by now, however she wasn't the type to just throw herself at someone. She was too innocent and too insecure and she was sure boys liked girls with more experience.

Sienna grabbed one of the shot glasses and drowned the bit of liquor, the alcohol burning down her throat making her wince. "Gross," was the only word she muttered as she swiped her hand over her mouth to get rid of the few drops that settled on her lips.

"If it's gross, it's good," Eva said without sympathy, taking another shot right after.

Sienna followed her lead, agreeing with Eva in her head.

"Where are Noora, Chris and Sana anyways?," Vilde asked only now noticing the absence of the three other girls. Sienna shrugged. "Chris is with Casper," she explained, "Sana had to stay home because of some family meet-up and Noora didn't want to come. She said something about wanting to avoid William." Vilde only nodded seeming satisfied with Noora not being able to intervene her mission to hook up with William.

"It's just us three then," Vilde concluded, making Sienna chuckle. "Let's go then."

lørdag, 01:03pm

Sienna didn't know where any of her friends were and she overall was simply lost.

She was stood in the middle of the dance floor, the buzz she felt from the alcohol slowly wearing off, yet being present enough to make her unable to think straight.

"Where on earth are they," she muttered, turning around and immediately crashing into a body. She let out a groan, her hand immediately flying to her slightly throbbing forehead as she felt liquid spilling all over her clothes, soaking into them. She looked up only to be greeted by a concerned looking William who was also rubbing the spot on his chest that Sienna had crushed into.

"Jesus," he exclaimed, looking at the small girl in front of him who now eyed the stain on her clothes with fairly big eyes, "you came out of nowhere." She looked up at him as he placed the now empty red solo cup on a nearby table before looking at her wet clothes and sighting. "Come on, Sienna, let's get you changed out of these clothes."

If it wasn't for Sienna knowing about the liking William took towards Noora, she would have been alarmed by his words, as well as by him grabbing her hand pulling her behind him towards the stairs.

To be quiet honest William didn't know why exactly he felt the need to help her since normally he wouldn't care about someone's clothes getting wet, even if it was his fault. Probably because he knew Chris wouldn't let him hear the end of it, but after a quick look over his shoulder as a confirmation that she was still following him, even though he was holding her hand, he couldn't help but think that it was because of her as a person.

Her innocence was striking to him and he understood Chris' feelings towards her, even though Chris didn't admit them just yet. Hell, he was sure he would try to get his way with her as well if it wasn't for him being completely in love with Noora.

Sienna reluctantly followed him, people bumping into her every second, making her sight in annoyance and take a step closer to William so he would shield her.

"Why do these kind of things always happen to me," she murmured as they kept walking up the stairs. She looked back, hoping to find Eva so she could gesture to her that she should follow them upstairs, however her eyes only found Chris.

He looked at her before his eyes slowly traveled down to her and Williams interviewed hands, his face masking into confusion before a look of betrayal crossed his handsome features.

Sienna had followed his eyes, being confused till she understood what it must look like.

William, the school's biggest player, was holding her hand and leading her upstairs, not leaving much to imagine. She wanted to run over to Chris and explain herself, but then again, it wasn't any of his business what she did - not that she would actually ever hook up with William. She shot Chris another quick look, his eyes following her every step but she only shrugged and turned around. He shouldn't care.

William closed the door of the room and made his way over to the closet while Sienna sat down on the chair in front of Williams desk, spinning in it slightly.

"My shirt is probably gonna be big on you, but it'll work," he said while throwing Sienna a black shirt, which was indeed quiet big. She would probably have to tie it or stuff it in the front of her pants. "Thanks, William," She gave him a genuine smile, "it would've kind of sucked to walk around in a wet shirt." He returned the smile while shrugging.

"It's no problem, honestly, it was my fault anywa-" He got interrupted by the door swinging open and smashing against the wall, revealing a very angry looking Chris.

His fists were balled as he strode in the room and straight out punched William in the face. A small scream left Sienna's mouth and William let out a groan as he quickly took a step back from Chris, his face turning angry as well.

"Dude, what the fuck is your problem," he yelled at the brown haired boy, who was biting down his lip, his body tense as he probably tried holding himself back from punching William again.

"You are my fucking problem," Chris said,"you can't just go ahead and fuck her." His eyes found Sienna's as he walked over to her, standing infront of her, almost as if he was trying to shield the small girl from William, which was absolutely ridiculous since he didn't even attempt to just look in her direction.

"You want me to go ahead and screw Noora? How about I take her in the boys locker room, huh," Chris continued and Sienna could imagine the taunting smile on his face.

"The fuck did you just say?" Williams eyes darkened and he took a step towards Chris.

"She'd be screaming my name within a second," Chris continued and Sienna quickly stood up to stand in front of him or otherwise, she was pretty sure, William would punch him right back.

"Chris," she said, "shut up. William literally only took me upstairs so I could change my shirt since he spilled his drink all over it."

Chris face turned from angry to confused and then morphed into understanding.

"Oh," he muttered, his eyes traveling up Sienna's body till he met her eyes, "that makes sense, I guess."

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