2 I Guess

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Connors POV

Jared sat down on the chair across from Him. He put his legs up on the coffee table and sank into the softness of the blanket draped over the top of it. Evan walked in and sat down next to me and handed me a cup of coffee. Jared, being an ass, already had a mug in his hands.

"So, Jared, you're here awful early." I say hatred laced through my voice. Evan sensed the tension and nudged me in the rib cage.

"I know. I didn't think that there was a thing called morning. Crazy to see it right?" He said coldly. I could tell Evan was already done with our shit so I snuggled closer to him hoping that would help. He turned to me and smiled so I think it did something.

"Why did you insist on coming today at this  hour?" Evan said.
"Well, you know how I was living with Michael for a bit?" He said moving his hands so much when he talked I was scared he was going to knock the lamp over. Evan just nodded.
"We kinda broke up and now I need a place to stay for a bit." Evan fell into me. My mouth opened wide in shock. Jared hates us. Why did he just ask us is he could stay here for God knows how long. Evan spoke up.
"I'm sure we can work something out. Right babe?" I nodded slowly.
"Great! Let me get my stuff!" He said getting up. He walked to the door and let himself out. I sighed.

"Why." I asked, closing my eyes.
"He has no where else to go. Plus if it's for more than a week, I'm getting you to kick him out." He said. I groaned and kissed him.
"Fine. But only a week" I thought about earlier today. A week without that. Damn. We heard a knock and the door opened slowly. Jared poked his head through the crack. I rolled my eyes.
"Connor, would you show Jared the guest bedroom?" Evan asked me. I looked at him and nodded.

"Sure, babe." Jared walked over to me carrying a backpack and a duffle bag. I walked slowly down the hall to the almost empty bedroom. There was a bed and a closet. All he needed, right? Thank God it wasn't on the 2nd floor.
"I'll leave you to settle in. Call if you need anything." I said turning to go back to the kitchen.

~☆ Time skip brought to you by your favorite little rat ☆~

Evans POV
I sat down on the couch next to Connor and nuzzled into his neck. It had been 2 days since Jared started to stay with them and I was already done. I could hardly kiss Connor without Jared popping out from the corner and yelling 'kinky' I could tell that Connor was done too.
"Babe, we should go out tonight." I suggest, just wanting to get away from Jared for 5 minutes. Connor jumped up at the idea.
"Sure. When?"
"Honestly, right now" I said sighing. Connor nodded and grabbed my hand.
"Jared we're going out. We'll be back in a few hours." I yelled. We left before he could respond. After getting to the lobby we walked out into the busy street still holding hands.
"Where do you want to go?" I asked Connor. He looked up and smiled.
"I don't care as long as we're no where near Jared" He said. I laughed and agreed. After we walked around for a bit he pointed out a cute looking café. I nodded and followed him.

The inside was warm and cozy. There were booths along one of the walls. On the opposite wall there was a few bookshelves that were littered with books. There was a small corner with a rocking chair and a couch.
"I'm going to get a coffee. Want one?" Connor asked. I nodded sitting down in a booth, pulling out my phone.  Jared had texted me about 10 times asking how to turn on the tv. I chuckled lightly. After a few minutes Connor came over with 2 cups of steaming coffee. He sat down next to me and leant on my shoulder. I rested my head on top of his and we sat like that for a while. He looked up and moved slightly. I immediately lifted my head, not wanting to bother him.
We sat in a comfortable silence as I played with his hair. He would giggle every once in a while when my fingers would get caught. 
"Your hair is a trap." I joked. "You should brush it." He giggled
"Maybe if you didn't make out with me and mess my hair up so much then it would be nicer." He said laughing lightly. I tool his hand in mine and we sat again just enjoying the silence. Or the noise of no Jared.

After about half an hour he looked up and kissed me. We stayed like that for an moment until we heard someone clear their throat. Connor turned around to look at the woman standing there.
"Sorry to bother you but I will not tolerate that kind of behavior." She said looking really angry. I looked at her in utter disbelief. I opened my mouth to say something but Connor beat me to it. 
"I'm sorry that I'm not a heterosexual. Now if you'll excuse me me and my boyfriend were on a date." He turned to me, grabbed my hand and kissed me lightly. I kissed him back. We stayed like that for a bit.

The woman stormed off angrily. Connor just chuckled. I love that boy so much. It pains me to be away from him.
"I love you, Connor Murphy."
"I love you too, Evan Hansen." We kissed briefly, then got up and left. Connors lips tasted of coffee and sugar. I enjoyed that.

We wandered around for another hour before heading home. Connor bought a new hoodie and I got a shirt. We walked into the building but procrastinated going up to our  apartment because kinky boy.
"I just want to lay down and cuddle." Connor said, half complaining.
"Oh alright." I said. Earning a smile from Connor.

A/N: I think this is the most words I've ever written. 1061. My god. It's currently 3am and I crave death. Don't count on my sleeping though. I'm gunna delete my existence. Bye

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