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A/N: I honestly can't remember if I used this photo or not..... also I'm writing this during LA. I finished the final early.

Connors POV

Evan tried to cheer me up but I couldn't look at him.
I walked out the door and started to go down the stairs. We lived on the 8th floor but I didn't really want to wait for the lift.
When I finally reached the ground floor I walked out the double doors and started on my way to Á La Mode.
It was about a 15 minute walk from the apartment building so I had time to prepare for human contact.
Not that me and Evan weren't humans, it's just that when I was with him it felt like we were the only people out there. No one else matters when we're together.

I walk in and sit down at me and Evans regular booth. I pull out my phone and text him.
Milk Riend: I'm at Á La Mode. If you want to meet me there. I'm sorry for just walking out.
Tree Boyf: I'll be there in 20 mins. It's all good as long as you're happy.
Milk Riend: Okie see you soon.
Tree Boyf: Okie???
Milk Riend: Shhhhh

I set my phone down on the table and ordered regular coffee.

~☆Tweeeny Time Skippy☆~

Connors POV

Evan arrived kinda on time but a little late. I drank 3 coffees. He was 30 minutes late.
"I'm so sorry." He says sitting down.
"No no. Don't be I shouldn't have left." I say holding my hands up. He looks down at the table.
"How much coffee did you drink?" He gestures towards the empty mugs.
"Enough to be able to heat colors I think. Black sounds really loud and obnoxious." Evan giggles at my statement. I lean forward and kiss his cheek.
"I'm really sorry for waking out this morning. I just needed some time to think." I start "My life went from being so bad that I didn't want to start another day, to me not wanting my life to end ever." Evan starts to say something but I cut him off.
"Every day I remind myself that its because if you. You are the reason I'm alive today. You are the reason I'm not too depressed to get up.
"You know, I used to not eat for days because I thought I didn't deserve to live. The reason I wore the same hoodie and jeans a lot: I felt like I wasn't good enough to have nice clothes.
"I never belonged with my family. Zoe didn't even have to try to be normal. My mom loved me but I thought I didn't deserve love. Until I met you.
"You. It's all been you. From the moment I bumped into you in the hallway till now. It's been you. I sometimes think 'what would have happened if we were looking up? Would we have met?' If we hadn't bumped into each other I would be dead Evan! Gone.--" I was cut off by Evans lips being on mine. It was the most loving and passionate kiss I've ever received.
"I-I don't e-even know w-what t-to say." He has tears flowing down his pink tinted cheeks.
"S-so I'll j-just say I love you Connor. And n-nothing can ch-change that." I'm crying now too. The tears are pouring off my pale face and staining me and Evans shirt sleeves.
"I love you too, Evan." We stay, tears streaming down our faces for a long time. Neither of us seem to care about the people coming and going around us.

After a while we decide to walk back home. He gets up and takes my hand. I smile and pull myself up with his help.
"Let's go home and I'll cook something for dinner." I say, he nods excitedly.

The walk home is calm. It's pretty much dark out now. We sat in that coffee shop for a really long time, it's also winter so it gets darker quicker.
The cold made our breath come out in white wisps. His hand kept mine warm as we walked through the almost empty streets. The occasional person would stroll by, covered by a layer of thick clothing.

We arrived at the tall building and opened the door. I checked my phone
12:20 am
We walked towards the lift, not wanting to walk up 8 flights of stairs. The ride was silent and calm. No conversation was needed.

A/N: I'm SSSUUUPPPPPEEEERRRR sorry about the really short chapter. The bell is gunna ring soon soooo yea. Also I just made an art book and started a new book of drabbles...... I literally can hardly handle one book why did I think 3 was a good idea?!?!? Buutttt I do have a list of like 300 writing prompts for the drabble book. See yall soon with a better update.... I promiseeee

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