11 Wow...

909 37 31

Connors POV

Me and Evan have been planning the wedding for a week and we still haven't come close to deciding anything but a day.
"So it's going to be on the day we met?" I ask lifting an eyebrow.
"Yes, because that's the only important one that's not out anniversary" He says, typing January 19 on our invitation template.
"Another thing, I want the colors to be 003B6f and black." I say pulling out 2 strips of colored paper.
"Won't that seem angsty and emo?" He looks up at me.
"How dare you! Black is not angsty! It's poetic!" I screech at him. He laughs and picks up the papers.
"I was joking. Could we do a lighter blue?" He pulls out a 89b8ff paper and puts it down next to the black strip. (A/N: I'm a color nerd)
"Ok, it does look better." I say picking up the navy strip.
"Whoop!" He says, throwing his arms up.
"Bum." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Yea but you love me."
"You're right. But I can't seem to remember why?" I look at him and wink. He shuffles closer and gives me a sloppy kiss.
"I remember so well now!" I kiss him back. He pulls away and smirks at me.
"I want to finish this before we do anything else." I groaned, but agreed.

~☆Little time skip cause I am tired and lazy☆~

Connors POV

We planned for a few more hours and decided to go on a date. 

"Ready?" Evan called to me from the bedroom.
"Yup." I call back and walk down the hall to see Evan in his old blue Polo shirt and brown khaki pants.
I had put on a pair of ripped black jeans and a dark gray sweater.
Why not have a date like it was still senior year.

"You look amazing." I say, kissing his lips.

"You do too. I can't believe these still fit us!" He says looking down at our outfits.

"It is pretty crazy that this thicc booty still fits in these jeans." I playfully slap my butt. Evan laughs and kisses me, grabbing my butt too.
He pulls away and grabs my hand. I walk with him down the stairs. When we get to the door he pulls out a pair of worn out combat boots and a pair of dirty trainers.
"Wow. I haven't worn these in such a long time." I say, untying the shoelaces. Evan pulls the trainers on with such ease as I'm stuck here pulling on these boots.
"Help." I mutter, my voice strained from pulling too hard. He just stood laughing at me.
"You don't have to wear those you know." He says through laughter.
"Yea. I'll grab something else." I pull the tight boot from my foot and slip on the pair of sneakers.
"Let's go." He opens the door and leads me out of the apartment.
"Where are we going?" I ask as he walks over to the lift.
"You'll see." He replies, grabbing my hand to pull me inside.

We walk out of the lift and towards the exit, still holding hands. Stepping out into the chilly air of the fall and begin to walk.
"Is it really far?" I ask, he nods.
"Not really. It'll take like 5 minutes." He says turning left.
We pass some shops and other restaurants. I point out a sex boutique and laugh.
"I think you missed it." He laughs and continues walking.
The city starts to grow more calm as the sun begins to set.

We turn into a small park. The sunset casts a soft yet colorful glow on all the trees.
The only other person in this part of the park is a man with a dark bag slung across his shoulder.

He notices us and walks over.

"Um, is he coming to talk to us?" I ask, not looking away from the man.

"I hope not." He replies, grabbing my hand tighter. The man is not even 10 meters away from us now.

He takes a few steps closer.


And another one.


The glow of the sun is starting to fade to more of a purply- blue, giving off an edgy vibe.

He continues walking towards us. Each tap making us more nervous.


Less than 3 meters.


My breathing is getting heavier and I can feel my heart beat. 


He's reached us...

But he doesn't stop. He gives us a small wave and continues walking the opposite direction.

"Let's forget about that." I loosen my grip on his hand. He nods and starts walking again.

"I know this isn't the orchard but it's the closest thing I could find." He says pulling  me to sit down with him at the base of a tree.

"I still love it." I smile and kiss him. He kisses back and we end up making out for an hour.

When we finally pick ourselves off the ground it's almost 12am.

"We should really get back home now." I say, he nods and shivers slightly.

"C-can I borrow your sweater?" He only has on a t-shirt.

"Of course, babe." I unzip it and hand it to him. I've got on a button down and a t-shirt so I'm ok.

I grab his hand and lead him home. We are the only people out. I mean, who would be out in the city at 12am?

Me and Evan, that's who.

When we get to the complex I pull out my phone to check the time.

12:30 am

I groan and pull the door open and walk forward to the lift.

A small sign is on the revolving doors.

Out of order.


Evan is super sleepy now. He keeps yawning, I know he won't be able to go up the 8 flights of stairs.

I pick him up bridal style and start to carry him up.

It takes me literally an hour and a half to walk up all the stairs. Evan unlocks the door and helps me inside. 

I collapse on the couch and Evan carries me up to the bedroom.

We both fall asleep instantly.

A/N: did yall think this was the wedding chapter that's supposed to be 1500+ words?? Well you were wrong. This is the longest filler chapter I've ever written.

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