6 Ya Rats

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A/N: let me paint you a picture. It's 11:21pm, dark but not quite. I'm sitting with no pants on. My window open to let the sound of rain rush in. Cool air surrounds my naked legs as I slap mosquitos off them. That's my writing environment today. And honestly I want to sleep but I don't. The last chapter I wrote on the bus so this is kind of better. I'll just continue the story now.

Evans POV

When my eyes opened I looked over and noticed that Connor was gone. He probably went to work. It seemed really early for him to be leaving. I didn't question, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked the time.
I sit up and run a hand through my slightly roughed up hair. Even though I just slept for multiple hours I still felt exhausted. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and get up.
I pull on a pair of Connors sweatpants and his black hoodie. I his scent is super strong. I smile and snuggle into the softness.

I walk downstairs and make a pot of coffee. I notice a note on the fridge. That little bum did go to work. I pulled it down and read.

A/N: Guess who fell asleep after writing this. Me! Also I checked the reads and OMG 151!! THAT'S A  LOT FOR ME CONSIDERING I HAVE 0 FOLLOWERS.

~Time Skip brought to you by free real estate~

Evans POV

When I woke up from my small nap Connor was home. He was staring at me.
"Hello." I say, sleep in my voice.
"Hi." He says smiling and laying down next to me. I kiss his nose lightly. He giggles.
We sat like that for a while. Exchanging little kisses and giggles.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks.
"Sure. But you're picking it out." I say sitting up. He walks over to the tv cabinet and turns on Netflix.
We scroll and laugh at the titles and covers until deciding on The Office.
"Thats not even a movie!" I say, he shrugs.
I got up to get chips or something like that. When I got back Connor was sprawled out over top of the whole couch. I slowly snuggled my way in.

We watched a few episodes but found we were too tired to continue. I follow Connor upstairs and he lays down on the bed with an arm draped over his closed eyes. I smile and lay down next to him.

We fell asleep almost instantly. I drempt of nothing but the smell of the apple orchard and Connor.

Connors POV

Me and Evan woke up at  around 12. His arms were around my waist. I remember laying on the couch but nothing else.
Evan must have carried me or something, I honestly don't care right  now. Today is Friday and I need to prepare.
I picked out a dark blue shirt and a pair of black jeans, un ripped of course, gotta be modest. I slip the ring box into my back pocket and go to wake Evan up. 
"Morning sunshine." I nudge his shoulder. He groans and rolls over, I laugh. When I move his shoulder again his eyes dart open.
"G'mornin" He says, sounding very sleepy. I honestly wonder what happened last night if Evan is that tired.
"Wanna go on a date later?" I ask out of the blue. I can tell he's nervous. But why?
"S-sure" He sputters out, his face turning pink. I giggle at his blush and stutter.
"I'm gunna go make coffee. Be ready soon babe." I kiss him and leave the room.
The coffee tastes bitter compared to the stuff we get at the café. Evan decided to learn the name of it, Á La Mode, I think it's called. (A/N: there's thunder..... ehh) Evan usually gets something new. I stuck to a regular coffee.
I drink 2 cups. I don't know why, I'm probably going to be able to taste colors if I drink anymore. I'm shaking my head viciously as Evan walks down the stairs.
"Ummmm. Love?" He says, cocking one eyebrow. I look up embarrassed.
"Hi. I'm high off of coffee and sleep deprivation." I say as calmly as I can without making my heart pound out of my chest.
"You literally just slept for 8 hours." He says slowly walking over to me, sitting down cautiously. I look down, knowing I shouldn't go out like this. I think Evan is thinking the same thing when he gets up.

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