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My sweet sunshine boy,

I find it hard to believe I've made it this far without you. It's been 10 days since I've been seeing your face around here.
And you're walking away.

Not once do I regret falling for you. You taught me to believe in love and trust. My gravity, my love, your only demand for me was that I fell. And I fell, My heart felt like concrete when I met you and when I was forced to say goodbye. Each 'i love you' added to the pile of stones building up in my chest.

The last thing I ask of you,
Say goodbye to anything that will hurt you. I'm following my demand. Go into the light of many orchards my love, and never look back.

I will drown in the fear.


Connor Murphy

A tear fell onto the page, turning it into a darker gray in the area surrounding it until it faded out.

"Sir, you have to leave. It's been 3 hours since the service ended."

I looked up, tears still rolling down my aged and spotted cheeks.

"I'll only be a minute longer." I moved my blue and brown eyes up a bit more to meet the younger woman's curious bright eyes.

The envelope placed beside me made a subtle sound of distaste when I placed my hand on it, reminding me of the letter still unfolded in my hands.

I stood up and walked towards the casket at the front of the room.

Evan wanted to be buried with me, but he died before I had the chance to hurt him more.

My rough fingers moved up to the wood of the casket and lightly scraped it, feeling the grain of the wood.

I noticed my eyes dart towards Evans soft, now almost painfully pale face. How it looked so peaceful and young.

I removed my hands from the wood and folded the letter up, placing it in the envelope. Then returning the letter to my pocket.

"Until we meet again, love." I wiped another tear and turned away.

My footsteps left empty echos throughout the rest of my life and my heart never felt heavy again.


I'm sorry, I cried a little bit writing this. It's been amazing to have you all read this, I've definitely made some new friends. I've gained lots of writing experience too (like learning to edit).
Thank you once again,
Good bye.

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