4 Ya Dream Boats

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A/N: I'm blessing you with fetus Mike. Enjoy. Also I have a even fetuser fetus Mike but I'll save that one.

Evans POV

Dear Evan Hansen,
For about a week I knew that I was going to propose to Connor. We've been dating for 4 years and we've lived with each other for 1 year.  I felt like it was time for some change.

It has been a few days since Jared left to go live with a guy named Alexander and his boyfriend John. So me and Connor had the house to ourselves again. We keep going to the little café. I like the way Connor lips taste after we go there.

The other night we laid on the couch for a few hours just kissing.  I really enjoyed that. We've spent a lot more time kissing and cuddling the past few days. It's getting colder.

Connor started to work as a chef at the restaurant down the street. He only works a few days a month so we get to spend a lot of time together.

My plan for the proposal was simple. We go to a fancy dinner and then we go up to the roof and when it turns to 12, I pull out the ring I bought last weekend. The rings I found w black with a blue stones on them.

I can't wait till Friday.

~☆Time skip brought to you by a girl with hands that are asleep☆~

Connors POV

Dear Connor Murphy,
You fell asleep in Evans arms again. You love the feeling of warmth when you wake up. He looks so peaceful in his sleep. We go out on so many dates now.  You just want to lay around in comfy clothes and not worry about other people. You love to be around him so much and you want to spend the rest of your life with him. You bought a ring the other day. It's silver and there's a blue stone on it. You want the proposal to be special but you also want to be married already. You decided that Friday is the day that you are going to do it. You are going to cook Evans favorite food and then at 11:30 you will take Evan up to the roof and at 12 you'll propose. I hope he says yes.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. It's too early for thisIt's 3am and my hands keep falling asleep. I'm not sure if I want to do more Jornal like chapters. It kinda happened by accident. I'm gunna sleep now. Bye

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