12 ugh pt. 1

774 25 46

Skip of a few months

January, 2017

Connors POV

We had to fly back to *insert their home town* so we went a few days early to visit. Evan hates flying but agreed to go because it was faster.

When we got there it was pretty late so we got a room in a hotel near the airport.

Back to regular time I guess

"Ev we gotta go see your mother." I pulled him out of bed.

"But why??" He groaned and laid back down.

"Because she's your mom and I don't want to see my family." Another groan, this time it was louder.  I gave up on getting him up and laid back down.

"We can go tomorrow." He snuggled into my neck and wrapped his arm around my waist.

The wedding day

The alarm rang at 6:30am forcing us to abandon the warm sheets.
We didn't really have to do the 'if the groom sees the brides dress before the wedding then it's bad luck' because we are both guys.

Instead we helped each other get ready. Evan helped tie my tie and I helped him with, well nothing.

The orchard was only a few minutes away from Evans old house so we didn't have to rush. 

When we walked downstairs Heidi was waiting at the table, dressed in a burgundy dress that went down to her ankles.

Evan rushed over and hugged her. I stood back and awkwardly played with the loose threads on my black blazer.

"Connor, come here. You're my son now too!" She walked over and gave me a tight but short hug, avoiding a very awkward situation.

"We should get going." Evan suggested, making his was back to me. I nodded and followed him out the door.
Heidi was taking her own vehicle.

"I've been getting so many memories from senior year just being here." He takes a deep breath and continues on. "Some of them, not so amazing but you know."

"Just wait until we get to the orchard." I grab his hand and pull him into a kiss.
When he pulls back we go towards the car, stepping down the porch stairs.

"I'll drive." He says, his hands shaking a bit. I can tell he's stressed.

"No babe, I got it." He seems to lighten up. I grab the keys and open the door.

Evan picks the music. We have a very similar taste in music so I know all the songs.
We started singing softly but abandoned the thought of being modest and started shouting the words to 'Bohemian Rhapsody'


Evan wiggles when 'Teenagers' starts to play.


"Wow, Gerard." I say sarcastically, mostly because his voice is too high and soft to be a good MCR voice.

"Shut up." He punches me in the arm. He picks up his phone and plays 'Michael In The Bathroom' . I sing every word and so does Evan.

There's no where else I'd rather be.

We get to the orchard at about 8am. Evan looks so happy, being in the place that brought him so much happiness.

I chuckle when I think about how it brought him me. He stares but doesn't inquire.

We picked a nice spot near the lake. With the snow faintly there, it makes it seem magical.

There's chairs in the pattern of a heart. The burgundy ones making the shape and the black ones filling in.

A large flower was on the back of every chair, if the chair was black it had a burgundy flower and if the chair was burgundy it had a black flower.

At the front there was a large black alter with a burgundy painted palate underneath. Bows and flowers of both colors were woven into the wire frame of the alter.

By the time everything was set up, the other wedding people came.

Evan was having a lovely conversation with Jared when I went to go see Jeremy and Michael.

"Hey!" Michael was wearing a black suit with a burgundy shirt underneath. Jeremy wearing the opposite.

"Hi!" I said, Michael walked closer and wrapped me in his arms.

"Just make sure he's the one. Don't make any more mistakes." He whispered into my ear. He smelt of weed and orange peels.

"I know he is. Trust me." I say before pulling away. Jeremy walked over this time.

"I'm really happy for you. I can tell that he makes you happy." He had set a hand on my shoulder and patted it gently. I nodded and continued greeting people.

I made my way back to Evan. I missed him. When we made eye contact he immediately seemed to calm down.

"I don't like how many people are here." We both say in unison when we're close. We laugh and start to distance ourselves, moving towards Heidi, who was talking on the phone.

"Sure, I'll tell him..... no.... Ok. Bye." She looked at us and smiled.

"Evan, your father wants you to know he's happy that you're happy with Connor." She looks at me and smiles. I faintly smile back.

We continue visiting around until the ceremony starts.

Everyone sits down, my family on the left side and Evans family on the right side. 

I stand awkwardly at the front while Evan gets lead down the isle by Heidi.

A soft piano version of 'House Of Gold' twinkles in the background.

He makes his way up to the front and both briefly die inside when the rings are handed to us by Zoes child, May.

I love ending chapters horribly :)

Kill me. I'm sorry it's been half a month. School and band...

I leave you all again. On a horrible note.

Also I'm writing another story. A little more personal. Not even sure if I'm gunna publish it.

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