7 Heheh

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A/N: I'M BACK. I've literally been gone for 1 day..... ALSO DEH WON BEST MUSICAL LIKE?!?! I'M SO PROUD!

Connors POV
It's my first day of senior year. I'm fully awake by 5am, I need to get high before school.

I grab my black weed box and start to roll a joint.

I strike my lighter and hold it up to the lightly tinted green roll. Light gray smoke starts to rise from the singed end.

I lift it up to my lips and take in a big drag of the skunk smelling smoke.

Most people cough, but I'm so used to it now that it hardly does anything but make me a little numb. 

~☆Teeny wittwe time skip☆~

I walked through the navy blue double doors. The stereotypical cliques stood or sat in their places. Everyone belonged somewhere.

Except for me. Hell, I didn't even fit in with the stoners.

I was on my own, the only person I ever talk to is Jared. But that's only because of the underlying hate we have for each other.

I don't mind though. I don't need anyone. The only thing I need is silence.

Whenever people ask me, or when people aren't too scared of me, why I don't need friends. That's what I say.

"We need silence and quiet to survive.
Silence is soothing, calm.
Quiet is violent and agonizing.
Humans can only stand one of them.

It's always different.
Most times,
The quiet hurts,
The feeling of nothing is too much.

The silence hurts.
It cuts deep,
The thought of calm and peace is,
Scary I would say.
But it's not,
It's too real,
Or too distant for people to even think it possible."

The black moleskin notebook I keep under my mattress holds depressing things like that. Sometimes I can't even finish them without breaking down.

When I sit in silence I can't stand it. I always feel like I don't deserve to be calm.

Like I'm not good enough for peace.

But in the quiet I feel almost at home. It welcomes me. Inspires me.

We make our own way through all of this. Whether someone helps us through it, or we push through alone.

It doesn't matter who you are, what you are going to be or where you came from.
We all deal with shit.

End flashback

Connors POV

I sit up in bed and run a hand through my long, messy hair.

I need to get it cut. But I can't stand short hair. It feels really spiky, unless it's Evans hair.

I attempt to pull myself out of bed, but fail horribly. So I lay back down and snuggle next to Evan.

He turns to me and smiles.

A/N: I'm getting really bored of writingWe're writing at school and then I come home and feel pressured to write something for you guys. Message me or something if you want to help with planning. Or comment ideas. I'm sorry for this large authors note in the center of the chapter......

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