10 I'm The 'help' Section On Google

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A/N: If you don't get it, I'm useless. Heh. Who needs help Googling something??

Evans POV

Me and Connor had made out on the bed for a bit but neither of us were really in the mood for sex.
I feel better about that decision since I  dont hurt.
That got to real, didn't it?
Anyway, it is 12:30 am and me and Connor are cuddling on the couch eating small pieces of fruit and watching Cars 2.
"I don't like how Francesco made L.M roll over.  Like calm down dude." Connor says a sense of actual anger in his voice. Before I can really register anything I'm laughing so hard that I can only wheaze.
"C-C-Con-nor! W-Why di-did y-you sa-ay th-that?" I can feel tears of laughter roll down my face. Connor reaches over and wipes them away.
"I will have you know that I am being 100% serious." He jokes in a British voice, mocking Finn McMissle. (A/N: I may or may not have chose to watch it at 1 in the morning....)
I make my voice high pitched and try to impersonate Holley Shiftwell.
"Well I want you to be more serious than that." My voice switched back from the terrible accent halfway through the sentence. Connor laughed super hard at that.

1. I have some super bad swelling in my fingers and it hurts to move them
2. I've been on a rafting trip for the last 4 days.
3. I haven't had wifi or inspiration for a while.
4. I deserve to take a break right? I mean I was updating almost every 3rd day for a little bit.

I'm sorry this chapter was really short but and I won't be updating lots in the summer either because I'm going to be working with my grandparents and brothers for a lot of the summer.  Please don't hate me. I promise to update this one at least once more this week. I hope you'll be satisfied with that. If not, read some really smutty stuff.

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