5 (I have no creative names)

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A/N: Here's my boy with Will. And this is kinda just another filler chapter.

Connors POV

It was Tuesday afternoon and me and Evan were laying down on the living room couch.  His hands placed lightly in my hair. I just sat and looked at all the little freckles on his face. I kissed his nose and stood up.
"Come back. I miss your hair." He said closing his eyes and reaching his arms out.
"Ouch. Only my hair?" I say turning to go into the kitchen. I picked up a bag of chips and returned to the couch. He sat up and smiled.
"You think that these are for you?" I tease. He frowns and I open the bag. I grab one small chip and put it in his mouth.
"If you arent going to feed me then I will perish." He says dramatically and drapes his head on my lap. I look down and smile. Grabbing another chip, he starts to smile. I put it in my mouth and he frowns again.
I hold up one finger and lean down. I felt him gag when he felt the soggy chip touch his tongue. 
"Thats what you get for being a little bum." I say. He sits up and takes the bag from my hands.
"Well. Who's the bum now." He says. I smile and kiss him. He drops the bag on the floor, completely forgetting about it.

I pull away and pick the bag up.
"That was an unfair move." He says a blush covering his cheeks. "It's not my fault that I can't resist you." He finishes. I just smile and give him two chips. He laughs and eats them.

~☆Time skip brought to you by your absolute favorite lazy bum☆~

Connors POV

Evan had gone to sleep and I laid next to him on the bed, watching his chest rise and fall. He looked so young and calm. I smiled and rolled over towards him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt his breathing pick up.  His body started to move. He was having a nightmare. I shook his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up. I watched his eyes open. He looked so scared and shocked.  I hugged him tightly as he cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back and whispered sweet things like "I love you" and "it's going to be ok" into his ear. After he had calmed down, he looked up to me and explained.

Evans POV

Connors arms were wrapped around my shoulders as I cried. I had just had the worst nightmare I've had since I met Connor.

I sat up in a forest. Recognizing where I was I shivered. My clothes slightly damp from the moss. The trees around me started to move closer together. I stood up and tried to get out. My ears were drowning in the sound of him crying and screaming. Calling for help, for anyone to come. I knew why he was calling but I couldn't even utter a word to tell him it was ok. That I was ok.

I stood up and walked towards the trees around me. If I could get out somehow and get to him then I could save him. He deserved to live not me. I tried to rip at the bark but I couldn't get there fast enough to help him. I grabbed the lowest branch and hoisted myself up. I started to climb, one foot after the other, one branch then to another. I climbed until the entire moon shone on my face. (A/N:I'm listening to it right now so ignore my references.....) Then I looked down and saw me laying down in Connors lap. I cried out. Climbing down as fast as I could. Being as careful as I could. When I set my feet down on the soft, moss covered ground.
His eyes looked up but he didn't look at me. I knew I'd be forgotten. It was only a matter of time before Connor realized I was weak and useless. He finally saw that I was only a burden.
I walked over to him, tears threatened to spill. He didn't look up from the unconscious me when I was walking over. When he did, the only thing that was there was a deep pit of black. I turned and ran away. Everyone had left me. I was all alone again.

I woke up to the feeling of someone rocking me slightly. When I rolled over I saw Connor.  He looked so sad, so worried. I snuggled into his chest and cried for a long time.  He just kept rubbing my back and whispering nice things.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry I w-woke yo-you." I say through tears.
"Anything for you babe." He says and I feel a warm drop land on my head. He's crying because of me. No, for me. Because I'm hurting. I do my best to not break down again. It helps that he's there, for me to cling too.

~☆ Time skip brought to you by laziness☆~

Connors POV

Evan laid in my arms for a few more hours before he needed to get up.
"Evan, call in sick you're too tired." I say laying on the bed, watching him get dressed.
"I got some sleep. Plus who's paycheck pays the bills." He joked. I laughed and stood up, half naked. Evan looked down, blushed and kissed me. I kissed him back.
"Fine." He said, giving in.
"Yes!" I celebrate and hug him. We kiss and I wrap my legs around his waist and put my arms around his neck, resting my hands in his short hair.
He smiles and kisses me hard. When he pulls back I frown.
"Do you want to right now?" I ask. He nods and continues kissing me. I let him take over because we agreed long before we moved in with eachother that we would alternate who topped. I was bottom today.
He bit my lip softly and tugged. I moaned into his mouth. He starts to pull my shirt off and I start to tug at the bottom of his. Supprisingly, he let's me. I pull away and let him pull the shirt over my head. He does the same.
"Why did you hide your beautiful body from me babe?" I say planting kisses down his chest. He just moans and I continue until I reach the begging of his sweatpants.
"Do you want me too?" I ask, he nods and kisses me. I untie the strings and pull them down, revealing a pair of light blue boxers. I smile and tug them down too. When I look up at him he's blushing.

I take his dick into my mouth and start to move my lips up and down. He grabs my hair and pulls lightly, moaning. I continue to pleasure him. He just keeps moaning until I pull away to continue to kiss his lips.

~☆Time skip brought to you by wanting this chapter to be over☆~

Connors POV

We fell asleep at 3am and slept until 4pm. When I woke up I didn't disturb Evan I just got up and walked down to the kitchen. Writing him a quick note.

Dear Evan,
I went to go get groceries and work. Sorry if I woke you up too early. Text me when you read this.
Connor <3

I put it up on the fridge and left.

A/N: I think that I'm gunna take take a break from the writing for a bit. But we'll see. That's literally all I have to say. Bye

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