Jack Gallagher

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(Ally pov)

I was walking down the hallway backstage at wwe 205 live, I'm not on 205 live nor am I even a superstar in wwe at all I'm a backstage reporter kind of like Renee young from smack down except I'm mostly on 205 live since they needed extra reporters to interview the talent and on top of all that I have a crush on a certain gentleman but that's the least of my problems because I just happen to be the king of the cruiserweights Neville's new interest, I mean I would be flattered but he wont leave me alone for some reason he's obsessed with me and then at that moment I saw him walking towards me

" 'ello love you finally come to your senses and realize you want to be with a real king" he said with a smirk which called me to roll my eyes

" no Neville I've told you before and i'll tell you again I'm not interested" I snapped back at him and turned to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and pushed me against a wall

" I don't think you realize this love, but you don't deny the king" he said with a deep growl

I hated to admit it but he was actually starting to scare me, I mean he's been after me for about a year but he's never gotten physical like this I was snapped out of my thoughts when I very familiar voice spoke up from behind Neville

" I don't think that's anyway to treat a lady mate" jack told Neville, Neville rolled his eyes and then turned around to look at jack

" And I don't think this is any of you business mate" Neville spat back, while Neville wasn't looking I snuck out from my place between his back and the wall, once I was out jack reached his hand out and I gladly took it and he placed me protectively behind him

"Fine you've won this time Gallagher, but just you wait I'm the king I always win" Neville spat before slinging his title over his shoulder and stomping down the hallway, When he was out of sight jack turned to me and smiled

"you alright love?" I smiled back and nodded "yeah, thank you" I replied I could feel my face heating up as I blushed

and for some reason at that moment I built up courage and stood on my tiptoes and gently pressed my lips to his, I was surprised when he kissed back thinking he would pull away, when we broke apart he had his hands on my hips and my arms were around his neck

"well love that was a pretty good way of saying thank you" he teased, I giggled

" I really like you ally" he said "and I would love to take you out to dinner and get to know you" he said pressing his forehead against mine and slightly rubbing our noses together

" I like you to jack and I would love to" I said with a smile as he pressed his warm lips against mine before leading me to his locker room to get his bag we could go to dinner.

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