Dean ambrose

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(Deans pov)
I shouldn't have come, this was a bad idea. Clubs aren't my thing, Hell all they are full of is noise and people who are drunk off their asses but have lost complete control, The only reason I am here now is because of...her. Penelope i have know her for years, we even dated a few years back until I started wrestling after I started we agreed to just be friends. Even though this party if for her birthday I wasn't planning on coming I'm a married man now, I cant be hanging around in clubs all night getting drunk of my ass, but for some reason I willed myself to come cause even though I don't like clubs, I know Penelope and I especially know how she gets when she drinks a little to be and ill be damned if its my fault something happens to her. My good friend Xavier woods was talking to me about our upcoming tag match from the seat next to mine at the bar, but all my eyes could focus on was her. I could tell just by looking at her that she had already had to much to drink, she was hanging all over every guy that she could come into contact with. Even though I am married I would be lying if I said a spark of jealousy didn't jolt through me as I watched her getting up close and personal with my tag partner and best friend, Seth Rollins, Their hands were all over each other as she whispered things into his ear. I watched them for a few minutes until she peeked over her shoulder, those breathtakingly green eyes coming into direct contact with mine for a split second, I swear I saw a smirk on her face, as she grabbed the back of Seth's neck and connected her lips with his. Then as I sat their and watched her body language it hit me like a ton of bricks, She was trying to make me jealous and id be lying If I said it wasn't working. She was using my own damn tag partner to her advantage to make me jealous and it ate me up inside as I watched the two dance in bliss with their lips still connected, I was still watching them when something Xavier said caught my attention and I decided it would be best if I tried to ignore her and push her our of my head for the rest of the night, Boy was I wrong, for the next few hours ii couldn't help but steal my attention away from my buddies at the bar and sneak a peak over at her. However after a few minutes I looked back over and I saw...nothing, I almost instantly began to panic I had just looked over a minute ago where was she. The some movement by the door caught my attention and my head snapped over to see her and some guy...AND SOME GUY, my attention was instantly grabbed as I focused on the pair, who the hell did this guy think he is trying to take advantage of a girl clearly drunk of her ass. Before my brain could tell my body what to do I was already rushing towards the exit and outside to see her and the guy heading for what I could only assume was his car, I yell at the man who has his arm wrapped around her waist trying to help her into the car, He takes one look at me and drops her out of the car gets in and speeds off faster than I could yell anything else at him. Penelope looked up at me from her place on the ground as she got up and dusted herself off, stumbling in the process, I closed my eyes and sighed at the situation before opening them when she started to speak

"What the hell dean?!?" she yelled, her speech slurring slightly

"What do you mean what the hell?!, he was going to take advantage of you" I screamed back

"No he wasn't dean, me and him were going to go hangout he's friend" she said unconvincingly

"Yeah ok"  I snapped "If he is your friend then what's his name?" I asked, a look of confusion washed over her features as i could tell she was racking her brain for some name to tell me that would be totally made up, i closed my eyes once again but before i could open them i was shocked to feel my back up against the nearest car and her lips on mine.

My eyes snapped open as i looked at her, our lips still attached, when i got my senses together i pulled away from her i mean i am married for godsakes i cant do this but wait... she is drunkof her ass so she wont remember this and eveyone knows im a loyal husband just incase she does and even then... Whoa Whoa Whoa what am i thinking i cant do this take advantage of her like that, but then again... . As im thinking once again my body acts before my mind can think clearly and i have her flipped over on the car my body pinning her to it andmy lips attached to hers

She moans desperatley as she wraps her legs around my waist and she startes stripping me of my leather jacket as i unbutton her shirt which i recognize as the one i gave her for her 18th birthday way back in the day which seems like forever ago. As fast as i can snap my fingers all of our clothes are stripped off of us and we are in the backseat of my car, we quickly take up a nice pace as things escalate, Pretty soon we are both in a lustful trance and things get foggy from there... i awake to a bright light shining into my face, as i open my eyes i realize its no longer night time and its more ealry morning. My car still in the bar parking lot with me in it but Penelope gone without a trace, i was starting to think it was just a dream but then i spotted a piece of paper laying on my jeans in the car floor, i picked it up to discover it was a note which read

" Dean thank you for an amazing night last night,even though im hungover as hell i atleast wanted to write you a note instead of just up and leaving. I realized as i sat here in this backseat looking at you, that i still very much loved and cared about you dean. Even though i can no longer have you and you are happily married now i just wanted you to know if by some chance we dont see each other again for awhile that i still love you to the moon and back and i belive i always will no matter how long ago we dated was i still feel the same, you mean so much to me dean and i hope you never forget that,       Love Penelope"

As i finished the note i smiled for the first time in a while and realized i still loved her too, as i contemplated whether i made the right decision getting married i realized that my wife had called me mulitiple times through the night probably asking where i was, i needed to get home. So i put my clothes on and got into the front seat as i drove down the road away from the bar i could only thank myself for making me go to penelopes party last night and could only thank Penelope for still loving me after all these years.

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