Bubba Ray dudely

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(Y/n POV)

I had been waiting for this night for ages, after years of hard work and dedication I'm finally debuting on Monday night raw, I've dreamed of this day since before I can remember and it's finally happening. I just came from Vince McMahons office because he wanted to go over my debut match tonight and give me a few ground rules about the wwf.
My match is soon so now I'm rushing to the women's locker room to get ready for it, my meeting with Vince went on a little longer then we intended so now I have to rush or I'm going to be late to change for my match. I was almost to the locker room when I ran into a solid body.

"Hey!, watch where your going!" The voice said, I looked up and came face to face with one half of the Dudley boys, Bubba ray. He looked angry but when he noticed me his face softened.

"Sorry!" I squeaked out, "I should have been paying attention to where I was going but I didn't wanna be late to change for my match tonight" I explained, he has an unreadable expression on his face.

(Bubba ray POV)

This girl is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm trying to not make myself look like an idiot but goddamn. I've never been speechless about a girl like this and I don't even know her name but I can tell already she's something special.

"Y-your ok" I stuttered out nervously before turning and walking quickly down the hall, I silently scolded myself for being an idiot and went to meet up with Devon in catering.

"Hey man, what's up?" Devon greeted me when I sat down at the table him and spike had

I looked at him disappointed for a second before replying "I just saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and made a total jackass of myself" I said rubbing my hands over my face, I heard Devon and Spike chuckle at me.

"Are you talking about the new chick?" Spike asked, I nodded "She is hot!" He laughed but stopped when he noticed I didn't find it very funny. Devon chuckled at us

"Well maybe you could try and make a non jackass of yourself after her match tonight, maybe you should ask her to go out with us after the show" Devon said, I thought for a second before replying

"Devon that's nice and all but I don't even know her name, that's how much of an ass i made of myself already and I barely even spoke to her"

"Well then looks like you'll have to properly introduce yourself and then ask her after you do know her name, hell maybe if you like her that much she can be the next member of 3D" he said laughing, I scoffed before turning my attention to the tv

"Thats her!" I said watching the tv as she walked down the ramp to the ring and her match with Trish Stratus. Again I was entranced, she looked damn good in her ring gear.

"And introducing next, the challenger Y/n!" Lillian Garcia announced to the arena of curious fans wondering who the new chick was, so that's her name, Y/n

"Well there ya go" said Spike, "Now you don't have to ask her what her name is and she probably already knows who you are" I glanced over at him and Devon and noticed Devon looking at me with a smile on his face

"What?" I asked incredulously, Devon laughed

"Well considering you were so focused on watching her walk down to the ring that you barley heard what spike said I think you already like her a lot" I groaned causing them both to laugh at me again. I decided to just focus on her match after that

~~time skip~~

"Holy shit" Devon said as we watched the ref hold Y/n's hand over her head, she just beat THE Trish Stratus in her debut match on raw "she's good" Devon commented "real good" Spike nodded in agreement. I agreed but didn't say anything as I came to the realization that watching her match and how damn good she was has drug me in even further to this girl I know nothing about.

Finally gathering the courage as I watched her walk back up the ramp I stood from the table and went to meet her without saying a word to Spike or Devon.

(Y/n POV)

That was awesome! I beat Trish Stratus in my first ever match on raw. I was still riding the high of my win when I got back to the guerilla, I sat down on a bench near the hallway to the locker rooms to unlace my boots when I I felt someone sit down next to me

I looked up and watch met with the eyes that I had seen earlier tonight, Bubba ray, shaking the nervousness from me I gave him a smile

"Hey!" I said smiling "what's up!", I saw him swallow before he spoke

"Well" he started "I just wanted to apologize for making an ass of myself earlier tonight when you bumped into me" he said quickly, his eyes never leaving mine

"Oh your ok!" I said "no hard feelings" I gave him another smile to let him know I was being honest, he returned the smile and then spoke again

"Well I did wanna ask you something, myself, Devon and spike were in catering watching your match and they said I should invite you to go out with us after the show tonight" he said his eyes leaving mine and glancing down at his hands that were in his lap.

I giggled "do just Devon and spike want me to go out with you guys or do you want to as well ?" I asked putting my hand on his arm, shocking myself with my sudden confidence

"I-I want you to" he said quietly "I wanna get to know you better" he said looking back at me with a slight smirk on his face

"Well then I'd love to!" I exclaimed before getting off the bench and putting a kiss on his cheek " I'll meet you guys outside the locker rooms" i said before hurrying back to the women's Locker room and giggling at Bubbas shocked face.

Well here it is, my triumphant return to writing one shots, I missed you guys and hope you like this chapter, and also lemme know if you would like to see a part two to this chapter, I would really enjoy writing one!

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