Spike Dudely

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( Y/n's POV)

I couldn't believe her, how could she do that to him. I mean sure Spike isn't perfect but Molly didn't have to do that to him. Spike is still a human being and doesn't deserve to be just thrown to the side like that so she can go prance around pretending to be some super hero with the hurricane.
I watched Spike walk backstage after Molly had publicly humiliated him in front of the entire arena and without a second thought I ran to go find him. By the time I got to Spike I found him sitting outside the arena against a wall.

"Spike!" I yelled "Are you ok?" I asked jogging over and sitting down next to him.

"Yeah" he mumbled "just peachy" he said laughing bitterly, I looked at him sadly knowing that he was trying to hide how hurt he was.

"Spike, Molly's a bitch for doing that to you" I told him "you didn't deserve that" I said shaking my head, I was going to make sure Molly Holly paid for what she did to my best friend. I heard spike sigh beside me.

"Am I really that bad?" He asked quietly, I gasped and looked at him shocked.

"No spike!, of course not" I almost yelled at him "your one of the best people I've ever met spike, don't let anyone tell you otherwise" Spike's eyes met mine briefly before his gazed returned to the ground.

"Thanks" he said "Thanks for coming out to find me, knowing you care really helps" he said slightly smiling at the ground "but boy do I feel like an idiot" he said

"Why?" I asked him curiously

"Well Bubba and Devon warned me before I even got involved with Molly, so now I'm out my friends and my girl, your the only person I have left now" he said sadly but still maintained his slight smile.

I smiled brightly at him "Well that's their loss, but as for me I'll always be here Spike" I said, to be honest it did kind of hurt though, I know spike only thinks of me as a friend and we've known each other since we were little and I have to admit I've started to maybe like Spike as more then just a friend.

"Thanks Y/N" Spike said sincerely "you have no idea how much that means to me" he concluded before standing up "I should probably get going to the locker room though, I still have to change before I leave" I nodded at him

"Alrighty Spikey" I said "I'll be seein ya later then" I said waving as I watched him walk off, I turned to head to my car when I heard a voice calling my name from behind me

"Hey Y/N!" Spike yelled

"What?" I yelled back at him from halfway across the parking lot

"You wanna go grab something to eat after I get changed?" He said, I immediately blushed

"Sure spikey, I'd love too" I said smiling at him, he smiled back

"It's a date then" he said before smiling at me one last time and turning and running back into the arena and to the locker room. I smiled to myself after he left, maybe things weren't so bad after all.


I kinda did my own thing with the whole Spike Dudley, Molly Holly situation, but tbh I may have gotten the timeline wrong with the whole Molly and spike and Molly and the Hurricane thing but I hope your still enjoy it.
I wanted to get your guys opinion on a new idea I have, since I'm slowly returning to writing I have a lot of ideas for fics however most of them have to do with my guilty pleasure of ECW guys so I was wondering if along with this book you guys would like a one shot book with just ECW one shots, there doesn't seem to be many on wattpad and I feel like a lot of people would really enjoy them as well as me, so lemme know what you guys think!

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