Rob Van Dam

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(Y/n POV)

"Are you kidding me rob?!" I yelled into my cell phone at my husband "how could you be so stupid as to get caught with weed!?", I heard him sigh

"Baby I said I was sorry" he said softly into the phone

"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time rob" I told him "when you get home we're having a talk" I said before hanging up the phone. My husband Rob Van Dam had just been caught with weed, usually back in ECW it would slide but because the ECW is now under the control of Vince McMahon rob got suspended and is now on his way home a few weeks early.

I couldn't believe he would do something so reckless, he put every thing at risk over some weed, needless to say I was pissed especially because I didn't even find out from Rob, his friend Sabu had let it slip when he called me earlier since he had also been caught with it along with Rob.

I set the book I was reading aside and rubbed the bridge of my nose thinking about all the fallout that would occur over this, on top of Rob almost losing his job and getting suspended, my parents already didn't like him, when this hits the tabloids it's not going to make things much better.

I was still lost in my thoughts as I heard Robs car pull up outside, I stayed seated on the couch and he walked in through the door and came to the living room, he stayed standing in the middle of the room as we stared at each other for a few seconds before he carefully walked over and sat down next to me.

He tried to put my hand in his but I jerked away as he reached for me.

"Baby, c'mon" he said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get caught", I shook my head at him and looked away "y-you said we would talk about it at least" he stated quietly.

"To be honest Rob I'm not sure I want to talk to you at all" I said without looking at him, I loved him more then anything, so much so that when my parents begged me not to go through with the wedding and to get far away from him I didn't listen. When other people warned me that Rob was nothing but trouble I didn't listen. But this situation had me thinking maybe I should have.

We sat in silence for a little while before Rob did something I didn't expect from him in a million years, he got down on his knees in front of where I was sitting on the couch and took my hands in his.

"Babygirl" he started "I know your super pissed off and you have every right to be, what is did was stupid and not only did I put my job in danger but I put the thing that puts food on the table for you in danger, when I married you I promised I'd protect you and make sure you were taken care of and with me getting caught I almost broke that promise, I wanted to prove everyone who ever told you anything bad about me including your parents wrong and I won't sugar coat it but tonight I proved them right, I fucked up, big time and honestly I don't expect you to forgive me any time soon but know I am so sorry and I love you more then anything" he finished by leaning up and placing his lips on mine, it took me a second but I kissed back and wrapped from arms around his neck.

"I'm still angry" I said afterwards "but I accept your apology Rob and you didn't prove anyone right, don't let my parents get to you, it's none of their business what happens in our relationship Rob. I'm not defending what happened tonight but I will always defend you" I told him rest my hand on his Cheek, he placed his hand on mine and gave me a smile. After his heart felt apology any doubt about my future with Rob was gone, he was the man I was head over heels for years ago and he still is today and nothing was going to change that.

"How long are you suspended for?" I asked him, wanting to start gradually moving on from the situation.

"A few weeks" he answered "they also are probably going to punish me further by making me a complete jobber when I get back" he said cringing.

"Well that's what you get" I said jokingly, he looked at me shocked before I broke and started laughing "ok ok, I admit it'll hurt me to see you lose but the suspension is what you need, you'll be able to stay home and clear your mind for a few weeks and know not to make any more stupid decisions" I told him leaning over to kiss his forehead and then getting up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"I'm going to make dinner" I told him "and then afterwards as your home punishment you can wash the dishes" I told him, laughing at the facial expression he made.

"Really ?, I'm already getting punished at work, now here too?" He asked, I nodded.

"I think washing dishes is way less of a punishment then getting suspended, and if you do them and actually clean them good instead of just rinsing them off like you usually do maybe you'll get dessert" I said winking at him as I turned and walked into the kitchen to start on dinner.

Admittedly I didn't know what I was going to do with Rob, but deep down I knew everything would work out.


Not everything in this may be accurate however I do know that Rob was caught at least once while in the ECW/WWE combined show brand thing  for having weed on him, I don't know all the facts though but I've never really seen it be the topic of a fanfic so I decided to try it out, lemme know what you guys think!

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