Randy oroton

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(Disclaimer: I know this isn't exactly how the randy and Wyatt family storyline went, but I liked how the story was going and since this is a request I went with it, hope you don't mind to much)

(Readers pov)
Ever since my boyfriend, randy oroton joined the Wyatt family, he's been... different. It's like he's under some sort of spell from Bray Wyatt who's the leader of the strange "family", it was no secret what they were like as everyone had seen countless superstars fall victim to their mind games since they arrived on raw, and even sometimes they turned on each other like what happened when Daniel Bryan joined them for some time. Long story short, I didn't trust them. I never have trusted them never will trust them and I especially don't like my boyfriend getting involved with them at all he has so much potential and doesn't need to waste it on the Wyatt family.

Fast forwarding to currently I'm begrudgingly sitting  in the Wyatt family's locker room waiting for them, more specifically randy, to get back from their match. Randy was partners with Luke Harper for the night which worried me since the two had been butting heads lately and everyone backstage could feel the tension rising these last few weeks, waiting to boil over at any moment, bray had done everything in his power to keep the two away from each other's throats and keep his family from imploding but sometimes even a guy like bray Wyatt can't keep the peace in his own family, tonight had been a prime example, randy had completely turned on luke and waltzed backstage leaving luke and bray In the middle of the ring, I stood up when randy entered the locker room.

"Pack your stuff, we need to get out of here"randy said as soon as he saw me, he could sense my confusion and worry by the look on my face

"We need to leave before they get back here, or at least you do, they're gonna come after me and I'll be damed if they hurt you too" he said putting a hand softly on my cheek. I put my hand over his and gave him a small smile before he removed his hand and I started packing frantically.

——————————Time Skip————————————

Me and randy had gotten all our stuff packed and we started heading through the parking garage to our car when all of a sudden we heard an all to familiar laugh behind us randy turned around and pushed me behind him and he frantically looked for the source of the laugh, I backed up slightly and then screamed when two large arms wrapped around me and picked me up, that's also when everything went black

When I woke up it took me a minute to realize that I was in the trainers room back inside the arena, I looked around and noticed randy in a chair beside the cot, I nudged him awake with my foot

"Randy!" I yelled "wake up", his eyes opened groggily then widened upon seeing me

"Babydoll, your awake" he started getting up and walking closer to me "thank god"

"What happened?" I asked not remembering much

"We were almost to the car and the wyatts caught up to us, they got to you before I could do anything, they somehow cut all the lights in the parking deck off and when they came back on you were laying on the ground unconscious. I carried you back here told the trainer and Stephanie what happened and now they have a search out for the wyatts" randy explained, I nodded then took Randy's hand in mine

"If they could still be out there, how are we going to leave safely?" I asked

"Stephanie said she'd reserve a car to come pick us up right out front and take us directly to the hotel" he replied sitting down beside me on the cot

"I'm just glad your ok" I rested my head on his shoulder and yawned

"Your still pretty tired angel, you should get some sleep. If your still asleep when the car gets here I'll carry you out" he said

"Are you sure randy ?" I asked not wanting him to do more than he had to

"Yes baby, get some sleep" he replied

That was all I needed to hear before my eyes closed and I drifted off into a deep sleep knowing that no matter what randy would protect me from the wyatts, although I'm still a bit nervous about what will happen when they show back up

(Should I do a part 2 to this? I'm actually really digging this story so far 😂)

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