Jeff Hardy

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( Takes place June 29th 1999 when the hardys first won the tag titles)

I stared with awe at the TV screen in the women's Locker room at backstage raw is war as I watched my boyfriend Jeff hardy and his brother matt when the WWF tag team titles for the first time since signing their contracts with the company, A little while after they debuted so did I, me and Jeff instantly clicked and became fast friends. We have only been dating about a month so not everybody knows about us, oh and I forgot to mention my sister happens to be Stephanie McMahon and that means my dad is Vince McMahon the owner of this company.

I patiently waited for the boys to get backstage so I could congratulate them on their first title win, as soon as jeff ran through the curtain he picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist

"I'm so proud of you" I whispered into his ear "Thanks darlin" I couldn't have done it without you" he replied, his southern accent much more prominent I smiled and pecked his lips before I heard someone clear their throat

I glanced over and saw my father Vince and sister Stephanie watching me and Jeff, Jeff let me put my feet back on the floor before standing straight and looking at my sister and father

" Mr. Hardy" my father spoke " I seen you've taken an interest in y/n" Jeff tensed before speaking

" Um y-yes sir" he said with a slight stutter, my sister Stephanie smirked at me and I glared back, me and her have never really been friends, I glanced at my fathers serious face before stepping behind Jeff

My father then broke the silence " Well then, I suppose you know to take care of her and if you don't their will be serious consequences"

"Yes sir I do and I would never hurt her she means so much to me" Jeff replied to my father making me blush behind him, my father nodded before putting his hand out for jeff to shake

After the handshake was done and my father had left with my sister Jeff turned to me and spoke

"well now I think me and you have some unfinished celebrating to do" he smirked

"well I guess you and me should get going back to the hotel then" I replied kissing his lips and started walking towards the exit, when jeff ran towards me, picking me up bridal style and taking me to the hotel

Lets just say me and him didn't get much sleep that night

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