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*Mackenzie's POV*

I watched from behind the camera as Simon and Harry filmed a football video. I was sat with Harry's new girlfriend, Caitlin. Apparently they had been talking for a while but only just now became official. I learned she was shy, so I didn't try to force a conversation. Instead we sat in a comfortable silence, watching the boys do what they did best. We had just came from the photoshoot, Simon and I. We got changed into football clothes and met Harry and Caitlin here. Caitlin was also dressed in football attire, but neither of us were taking part in the videos. We would just be playing with them after they got done. I moved my eyes from the ball traveling towards the back of the net to Simon, watching as he groaned because he missed the crossbar once again. "C'mon Minter, you can do better than that." I called from behind the camera, causing him to look down at me. "Like you can." He rolled his eyes. I cocked my eyebrow, getting a giggle from the girl beside me. I was incredibly cocky and confident when it came to football - and FIFA - even if I hadn't played in ages. "Is that a challenge?" I asked. Harry appeared at Simon's side and nodded. I stood up slowly, dusting my bum off. I was wearing black Nike joggers and a SDMN hoodie that Simon had given me. It was still cold outside and I could see my breath as I laughed. "Right well this is Mackenzie. She will be joining us, I guess. Since she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut." When I came into shot of the camera Simon tossed his arm over my shoulders. It was the first video I had ever been in and I secretly hoped it wouldn't be the last. Harry shoved me towards the ball that he had placed on the penalty spot. "Go on then!" He laughed. I took a short run up, taking a deep breath before connecting my foot with the ball swiftly. I watched it travel through the air and heard the ding of it hitting the crossbar. "First try you bitch." I stuck my tongue out at Simon, causing him to roll his eyes. I laughed lightly as Harry cheered, running in a circle around me. He was very energetic, I've learned. He was always moving and yelling. I didn't mind though. He reminded me of Nick. "Simon, I think she's better than you." Harry said once he stopped running. Simon rolled his eyes again. I was told by Tobi once that Simon was probably the best at football out of all of them, to which Simon responded that Tobi beat him by a long shot. That's when Ethan intervened into the conversation to say that they were equally good. "It was one crossbar. We haven't seen anything else she can do and you automatically assume she's better than me?" Simon asked as Harry and I walked closer to where he stood by the camera. "Right, so the purpose of this video has now changed. These two are going to compete to see who is better and I will be the judge." Harry leaned forward, speaking to the camera. Simon scoffed beside him. "This isn't even your video." Harry shrugged. "It's going to be better than watching you beat me in a crossbar challenge. Now, c'mon. Get your game faces on." I watched as Harry grabbed another camera that wasn't on the tripod. Probably to get some cinematic shots of Simon and I. I turned to face Simon and he did the same, a small smile on his face. "You don't have to be in the video if you don't want to." He said. "But it would get him a ton of views if he could title it 'Football With My Girlfriend'." Harry said, earning a shove from Simon. "I don't mind." I added, shrugging. I glanced over at Caitlin and felt bad for leaving her alone, but she smiled at me reassuringly. "Good. Now look angry." Harry was a few steps away from us now, pointing the camera at us. It wasn't hard for me to put a blank look on my face because I had to many times. I glared at Simon, keeping my smile that was begging to show under control. "This is going to be one hell of a video." Harry mumbled as he walked slowly around us, the camera pointed in our direction. Once he was done he rolled me the ball. "Do something." He said, getting on his knees with the camera pointed at my legs. I couldn't help but laugh at how serious he was about getting the perfect shots, especially when it wasn't even his video he was filming for. I kicked the ball into the air, beginning to do kick ups and some other simple tricks I could do. It was like muscle memory for football and my legs took over before my brain could. When I kicked the ball high into the air, Harry followed it with the camera and laughed as it landed on my head and I balanced it there. "That's my trick." I heard Simon whine behind me. I had never seen Simon play football, so when I dropped the ball from my head and kicked it to him, I watched him with a smile on my face. Until the ball was coming at me again. I felt a connection between me and Simon and the football, like we were made to play together. That's ridiculous. I shook the thought out of my head and dropped the ball to the ground, sighing. "That's a great intro." Harry stood up, dusting off his pants. "Intimidated yet?" I smirked, looking up at Simon. He smiled down at me, shrugged shyly. "Little bit." He admitted. I punched his arm playfully, smirking. "That's what I thought."

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