Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jade's P.O.V

We got to the airport at 10. Our flight left at 11:30. Getting past all of the fans would be the hardest part. Paul and the rest of the security team were surrounding us as we walked through the airport with our luggages. There were 11 of us for security to protect. We had bought extra seats in 1st class so we wouldn't have to sit next to fans. Everybody has to pick a 'plane buddy' to sit by after we get through the airport security.

After we got through, the 'plane buddies' were decided. It would go:

Zayn & Liam

Calum & Michael

Louis & Harry

Gemma & Ashton

Niall & Paul

Everybody had found their buddy except for Luke and I which means we were together. I smiled to myself at the thought of that. We boarded the plane and found our seats. Luke and I sat behind Gemma and Ashton. I sat away from the window and Harry did

too so we sat separated by the aisle.

"Jade?" Luke asked from the seat beside me.


"Would 7 be ok for me to pick you up?" he asked shyly while biting his lip ring.

"Sure. Where are we going?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could have a picnic on the beach" he said and I smile looking into his eyes.

"I would love that" I said and Luke let out a sigh of relief. He looked so nervous.

Luke and I made small talk for the next hour. Everybody in the cabin had fallen asleep. I looked in front of me and saw that Gemma was sleeping with her head on Ashton's shoulder. I smirked at Luke and told him to stand up. We walked in front of them and I pulled my phone out. I took of picture of them. We sat down again and I realised I was getting tired too. I leaned over to Harry and kissed his cheek, then I put my head on the back of the seat. That was the last thing I remember doing before I fell asleep.


"Jade. Sweetheart. Wake up" I heard Harry tell me. I opened my eyes and saw that we were landing.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About 9" Harry said looking at his watch. "That's Pacific time"

"Ugh" I groaned as I stretched trying not to hit Luke.

"Good morning love" Luke said with a smile.

"Good morning Luke" I returned the smile. I wasn't really a morning person, but I honestly don't think anybody is.

I grabbed my purse from the overhead compartment when we landed. Once again, we walked through the airport, then we got divided into 2 black SUVs.

Harry, Liam, Louis, Luke, Gemma, and I were in one, and Zayn, Niall, Calum, Michael, and Ashton in the other. Liam sat in the front, I sat in the middle between Louis and Luke, and Harry and Gemma sat in the back. I was squished, and it didn't help that Louis was shoving me into Luke. Luke just giggled every time I slid closer toward him.

"Stop that shit Tommo!" Harry yelled from the back seat.

"Fuck you Styles!" Louis yelled back.

After a huge argument between them, we arrived at our hotel. Gemma and I would be sharing a room. We went into the room and I unpacked some of my things. It was about 10:30 at this point and I was bored.

"Shall we go shopping Jade?" Gemma asked me.

"Yes!" I said very cheerfully.

We walked downstairs into the lobby. Paul let us borrow one of the cars to take. There was a mall about 10 minutes from the hotel so we decided to go there.

"You need to get a new outfit for your date tonight" Gemma said walking into Forever 21.

"How do you know about my date?" I don't remember telling her about it.

"Harry has a big mouth" she said and we both laughed.

"Where are you going?" she asked referring to my date.

"Picnic on the beach" I replied.

"Nice. Let's find a cute summer dress!!" she sounded excited.

I chose a prairie floral cutout dress that was white with small black flowers. I also got a pair of black flats that would match the dress. We paid for the outfit then went to some other stores including Hollister, Victoria's Secret, and Aeropostale.

It was around 1 when we had bought all of the clothes we needed. We were hungry, so we went into Starbuck's. Gemma got an iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. I got a strawberry smoothie and a blueberry muffin. We ate our muffins then took our drinks so we could go back to the hotel. When we got back, Gemma wanted to watch a movie so we put on Mean Girls.

At 4, there was a knock on our door, it was Harry. He came in and sat on the bed next to Gemma.

"I was thinking that we should Skype Mum to see how she's doing" he said.

"Ok" Gemma said and walked over to her luggage to grab her laptop. We called Mum and she answered after a few rings.

"Hey Mum!" we said in unison.

"Hello guys! I miss you. How's LA?" she asked.

"Beautiful. It's sunny and warm. The complete opposite of Cheshire" Gemma told her.

"I wish I was there. It's rainy and gloomy here, but seeing your lovely faces is a ray of sunshine to me" Mum said.

We talked to Mum for an hour, and then I took a shower so I could start get ready by 7. Gemma did my hair and makeup when I got out. My hair was curled and she did my make up so it would look natural. I put on my dress and shoes.

"So?" I asked Harry when I walked into the room.

"You look beautiful as always sweetheart" he told me and kissed the top of my head while pulling me into a hug. We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it. The blonde haired boy was standing there with a blue plaid shirt and black pants. He was wearing black sunglasses that covered his ocean blue eyes.

"Hey" he said in his thick accent.


"Are you ready?" Luke asked me holding his arm out for me to hold.

"Yes" I said and took the arm he offered.

"Have her back by 10. And no funny business Hemmings because I swear to God I will fucking murder you" Harry said in a serious tone.

"Harry!" I scolded.

"Sorry. Have fun you two!" he said and closed the door.

"I apologise for my brother. He's a little over protective" I sighed.

"It's alright. I understand" he chuckled. "You look great by the way"

"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself" I said as he opened the car door for me.

"I'm so happy that you agreed to come on this date. You don't know how much it means to me" Luke told me once he got in the car.

"It's my pleasure. I was thrilled when you asked me" We both smiled at each other. This date was going to be perfect.


A/N: I feel bad for not updating in a while so here is a double update :) I'll try to update more. Please vote & comment. xx

Falling for You [Luke A.U.] *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now