Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jade's P.O.V

We got to the beach as the sun was starting to set. Luke had set up a blanket on the ground close to where the tide rolls in. He brought some champagne, so he poured us each a glass.

I looked out into the ocean and saw how beautiful it looked on the horizon. I turned to Luke and just stared at his eyes. They had the same beautiful glow as the water. He was staring into my eyes too. I felt a warm feeling in my stomach and I could feel a blush creeping onto my face.

"Jade, you look so perfect. There's just something about the way your eyes sparkle that makes me feel different inside. It's the good different though. It's a feeling that I would love to keep forever" I listened to him taking in his features as he spoke. His words meant a lot and I felt completely flattered.

"You make me get that feeling to" I said smiling at him.

He started to lean in to kiss me. I had never kissed anyone before and I was nervous. His lips were inches away from mine when a huge wave rolled in getting us soaked. We both gasped at the touch of the cold water. I started to laugh and Luke joined in.

"I guess we're kinda wet now. Maybe we should take a walk since the blanket is soaked too" Luke suggested.

"Ok" I giggled looking down at the blanket.

He stood up and put his hand out to help pull me up. He let go of my hand and we started walking.

"The weather here is definately better than back in Europe" Luke said trying to start a conversation.

"I honestly think any place would have warmer weather than Europe" he giggled at my response.

"Are you from England?" he asked.

"Yes. I pretty much lived most of my childhood in an orphanage in London" I told him.

"Oh. How long ago did your Mum adopt you?"

"I have been with them since I was 13. So I guess it's been...5 years?"

"It's nice how Harry protects you. He seems like he would do anything for you. Same goes for Gemma. That's a special kind of relationship that most siblings don't have" I thought about his response.

"I don't think anybody could protect me like Harry does. I feel that we have a special connection. He gives me the love of a brother that I never had growing up" I said kind of thinking out loud.

We walked down the beach for a few more minutes and just talked about different things. I had never really opened up like this to anybody before with the exception of Harry. There was just something special about Luke that makes me feel like I had known him forever.

"I think we should start heading back to the hotel. It's almost 9:30 and I really don't want Harry to beat my ass" he said looking down at his watch.

We got in the car and the ride consisted mostly of Luke making stupid jokes or singing.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, Luke" I said turning toward him.

"I did too, Jade. I would love to take you out again. Could you put your number in my phone?" he asked trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"Sure" I said and took the phone from his hand. I typed in my number and gave it back.

Luke parked the car and we got out. He walked me back to my room. I knocked on the door. Gemma opened the door with a sly smile.

"Harry, the two love birds are back" she said turning around. Harry walked over to the door and looked at his watch.

"9:54. Good job, Hemmings" He said.

"Thanks. I had a lovely time with your sister" Luke said smiling at me. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure" I responded. He pulled me into an awkward hug. I could feel Harry staring at us.

"Bye" Luke said stepping into the elevator.

"Bye" I told him right before Harry closed the door.

"Did you have fun?" Gemma asked me.

"Yeah. It was great" I said smiling.

"Did he kiss you or touch you in any way?" Harry asked.

"Harry! Get out! Go back to your own room now!" Gemma scolded him.

"Fine. Goodnight you two. See you in the morning" he said giving us each a quick peck on the head. He closed the door and Gemma looked at me as if she were waiting for some big announcement to be said. "So?"

"Nothing much happened. We talked and went for a walk on the beach. Nothing big" I told her.

"Did you kiss?" she asked with a big grin on her face.

"No" I bit my lip. I wasn't sure if I wanted to kiss him or not. I liked him a lot, but it was only our first date and we barely knew each other.

"Aww" she said looking disappointed.

"Let's talk about you and Ashton" I said raising one eyebrow.

"What is there to talk about between us?" she asked looking confused.

"Well there's this for starters..." I showed her the picture I had taken of them while they were sleeping on the plane.

"Oh my fucking god, Jade! Delete that right now!" Her cheeks were turning a deep shade of red, but I couldn't tell if she was blushing or getting angry.

"I will...just as soon as you tell me if you like him or not" I smiled.

"Fuck, Jade!" she grabbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. "Yes! I do!"

"Ok" I deleted the picture.

"Thank you. But please don't tell Harry. He will have a heart attack and beat the shit out of Ashton" she looked me straight in the eyes.

"I won't. I promise. Maybe I could talk Luke into going on a double date with you and Ashton" I suggested.

"I'd like that" she said grinning. "Now let's watch Titanic. I need to see Leonardo DiCaprio. He is hot as fuck"

"Ok" I said giggling.


Luke's P.O.V

"Do you like Gemma?" I asked Ashton after a long conversation about my date with Jade.

"Yeah. She's great" Ashton responded with his dimples popping out.

"Are you going to ask her out?"

"I'm not sure" he said looking down.

"Why not? She obviously likes you!" How could he not see it?

"Really?" He asked lifting his head.

"Yeah. Her face practically lights up when she sees you, and she was sleeping against your shoulder on the plane" I giggled. I wish that Jade would've done the same thing.

"How do you know about that?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Jade and I may or may not have taken a picture of you two" I said looking down.

"Oh, Hemmings. You are so love struck"

"You are too and don't even try to deny it!" I fired back.

"Whatever. Could you help me get with Gemma?"

"Sure. Double date maybe?"I suggested.

"Perfect" he smiled.

I grabbed my phone out and typed a message to Jade.

'Hey Love! I need to talk to you. Meet me in the lobby tomorrow morning around 9? Btw this is Luke :)'

I sent it then went to play FIFA. 5 minutes later I felt my phone vibrate.

'Sounds good. Goodnight! x'

'Goodnight xx' I typed back.


A/N: Hey Guys! Thanks for reading! I'm going to try to start making my chapters longer. Please comment & vote! xx

Falling for You [Luke A.U.] *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now