Percy// Repeat of events; Mostly...

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You're excited.

Tonight is your first game of Capture the Flag.

For the few days you've been here, you've gotten to know some campers and had at least one friend in each cabin, including Jason from Zues's, Percy from Poseidon's, and Nico from Hades's.

You have recently found out that your godly parent was Zeus. (Sorry if that's not who you want, its just for this story).

As soon as everyone found out, some campers got worried. Something about the last daughter of Zeus they'd had and Percy having problems.

This is a problem for you, because you maybe... Kinda.... have a crush on Percy.
(Pretend Annabeth and him never liked each other or something, whatever you want)

So as you are listening intently to Chiron choose the teams, you feel a little worried because Poseidon is on the same team as Zeus.

But if you're on the same team, then a repeat of what happened between Percy and... Thalia? Was that her name? .... won't happen. You'd be working together.

But it seems the Fates were against you.

As your team is deciding who is doing what, you sneak a glance at Percy.

You don't expect him to be so serious. I mean, it's Percy. He isn't serious if his life depends on it. But something has been bothering him all day, and he has hardly smiled.

"Percy, you and the new girl, (y/n), will stay positioned by the creek," Travis from the Hermes cabin says. "I trust you won't start another.... episode?"

Percy forces a smile. "Who, me?"

Travis gives him a serious look.

Percy sighs. "No, Thalia and I didn't get along. I don't have any trouble with (y/n), though." He glanced at you, and you looked away, back to Travis. But he had looked sad...

"Good. Then everyone knows the plan?" Everyone nods or says yes.


You and Percy stay hidden behind some bushes near the creek (is it a river?).

So far, you've heard nothing. At least, not near you two.

The silence was there the entire time, until finally you'd had enough.

"So....," you whisper, trying to break the silence.

"Shh," Percy shushes you, focused ahead. "They could hear us."

You scanned the woods around you. No one was anywhere. Not a single leaf seemed to move suspiciously.

"Who? No one's here."

"They could be." You looked at Percy. You've become friends with him, and he usually is more happy, our sarcastic, or happy to do something besides just sit here. He liked teasing you, and you teased him. So his serious tone put you a little on the defensive side. You hadn't done anything for him to get this way.

You try not to get upset. He's just bothered by something else, right?

"Sorry," you mumble.


You look at him in disbelief. Still whispering: "I was just apologi--"

"Shh..." He puts a finger to your lips before returning to staring at the nonexistent enemy. Why is he acting like this?

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